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FriFeb 2812:40ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry SeminarsAlexander DegtyarevSplit hyperplane sections on polarized K3-surfaces
FriFeb 2814:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarMatthew Alan Le BrunMultiparty Session Types with a Bang!
FriFeb 2814:15Symplectic zoominarVukašin Stojisavljević (CRM, UdeM)On certain \(C^0\)-aspects of contactomorphism groups
FriFeb 2816:00GEOTOP-A seminarColin AdamsHyperbolicity for Knotoids, Generalized Knotoids and Staked links
FriFeb 2816:30Relatorium seminarMatt InsallNon-standard Methods and Universal Algebra
FriFeb 2818:00VCU Geometry and Topology SeminarSeppo Niemi-ColvinA kitchen sink surgery formula for knot lattice homotopy
SatMar 0114:05Knots, graphs and groupsHyungtae Baek$w$-maximal specturm of Anderson rings
MonMar 0310:30Cihan OkayIlker Kadri BerktavDerived geometry I: Basics of infinity-categories
MonMar 0313:00Paris algebra seminarNiels KowalzigHigher structures on homology groups
MonMar 0314:40Nečas Seminar on Continuum MechanicsJan KristensenExistence results in elasticity beyond polyconvexity
MonMar 0315:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarLoïc FoissyDouble bialgebra of noncrossing partitions
MonMar 0315:00Geometric and functional inequalities and applicationsRobert SeiringerLieb—Thirring Inequalities: a density-functional point of view
MonMar 0315:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarGiordano CrimiRepresentable functors and issues with automorphisms
MonMar 0319:15Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC)Paul PeringueyRefinements of Artin's primitive root conjecture
MonMar 0321:00Boston University Number Theory SeminarRahul DalalAutomorphic Representations and Quantum Logic Gates
MonMar 0321:30MIT Algebraic Topology SeminarMirai IkebuchiQuillen cohomology of small cartesian closed categories
MonMar 0323:00SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") SeminarBrendan PassAn ODE characterization of regularized optimal transport and variants with linear constraints
TueMar 0408:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarKeke ZhangOperator representations and Twisted Traces of Coulomb branches.
TueMar 0414:00Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures SeminarsJuan OrendainCompact closed Gray monoids
TueMar 0414:00One world IAMP mathematical physics seminarKo SandersEntanglement and separable states in relativistic QFT
TueMar 0415:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsMykola VovchanskiiTBA
TueMar 0415:00Systems Chemistry Discussion SeriesStephen FieldenSystems Chemistry at the Nanoscale: Controlled fusion of polymer nanoparticles
TueMar 0415:30Gothenburg PhD seminarRobin van HaastrechtThe Wehrl inequality: the creation of a pure math conjecture
TueMar 0417:00Online Seminar On Undergraduate Mathematics EducationMatt CharnleyOur Perspective
TueMar 0417:15Northwestern Applied Mathematics SeminarMark HoeferA Wave Theory of Waves
TueMar 0418:00VaNTAGeSachi HashimotoRational points via p-adic L-functions
TueMar 0420:00The Graduate Center Arithmetic Geometry SeminarXiaoyu Huang (Coco)Learning Euler Factors of Elliptic Curves and Recent Machine Learning Applications to Number Theory
TueMar 0420:00Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarVasudevan SrinivasSome finiteness results for the etale fundamental group in positive characteristics
TueMar 0421:00MIT number theory seminarAdam LoganKodaira dimension of Hilbert modular threefolds
TueMar 0421:00CRG Weekly SeminarsSun Kai (Ken) LeungHigher-order Titchmarsh problem via exceptional zeros
TueMar 0422:30Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminarStanley XiaoPolynomials in two variables of degree at most 6 cannot represent all positive integers without representing infinitely negative integers
WedMar 0500:00UCLA analysis and PDE seminarMoon-Jin KangWell-posedness of small BV solutions to the isentropic Euler equations by Inviscid limits from Navier-Stokes (joint with USC)
WedMar 0501:00UCLA analysis and PDE seminarJacob BedrossianWhat is a mathematical theory of turbulence? (joint with USC)
WedMar 0510:00AUTH HEP-TH SeminarsElli PomoniExploring thermal CFTs
WedMar 0510:00European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL)Edmund Heng1-step beyond semisimple algebras: fusion quivers
WedMar 0512:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsJan VysokýGraded Lie groups with Examples
WedMar 0514:00Abu Dhabi Stochastics SeminarTuomas SahlstenTBA
WedMar 0514:00DEGAS SeminarPaolo Di LorenzoTask-driven Topology Inference for Signal processing and Learning over Topological Domains
WedMar 0514:00IPM Algebraic Geometry SeminarRoberto SvaldiBoundedness for fibered Calabi-Yau varieties
WedMar 0515:00Port-Hamiltonian SeminarHans ZwartAn introductory talk on infinite dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems
WedMar 0515:00Quasiworld SeminarJuliana XavierIndecomposability of Julia sets from a topological viewpoint
WedMar 0515:00SISSA Mathematical Physics seminarBruno RenziUniversality in interacting dimers at the rough-frozen transition
WedMar 0516:00Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information TheoryTobias BOEGEOn the Intersection and Composition properties for discrete random variables.
WedMar 0516:00London number theory seminarChris KeyesTBA
WedMar 0516:00Quasiworld SeminarNikolai ProchorovTowards Transcendental Thurston Theory
WedMar 0516:00Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas)Lukas MüllerA Higher Spin Statistics Theorem for Invertible Quantum Field Theories
WedMar 0516:20Geometry of differential equations seminarKonstantin DruzhkovInvariant reduction for PDEs. II: The general mechanism
WedMar 0517:00Metagovernance SeminarOpen SlotOpen Slot
WedMar 0520:00Harvard number theory seminarSho TanimotoHomological stability and Manin’s conjecture
WedMar 0522:00Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetriesTomoya TatsunoSectional Curvature Pinching of Two-Step Nilmanifolds
ThuMar 0600:00New York City Category Theory SeminarGrigorios GiotopoulosThickened smooth sets as a natural setting for Lagrangian field theory.
ThuMar 0600:00UCSD number theory seminarKeegan RyanTBA
ThuMar 0602:00ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminarXin Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)Seismic imaging of slab interfaces: insights into material and energy exchange in subduction zones
ThuMar 0604:00Computational algebra seminarBill UngerTBA
ThuMar 0613:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarAndrei AgrachevGeometry of osculating curves
ThuMar 0614:00MESS (Mathematics Essex Seminar Series)Mark BlythTermination points in a class of inhomogeneous nonlinear ordinary differential equations
ThuMar 0614:30JoMaReC - Joint Online Mathematical Relativity ColloquiumSimon BrendleSystolic inequalities and the Horowitz-Myers conjecture
ThuMar 0615:00Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical PhysicsNikolaos PallikarakisDirect and Inverse Spherically Symmetric Transmission Eigenvalue Problems: Past, Present, and Future
ThuMar 0616:00Number Theory Web SeminarPéter VarjúTBA
ThuMar 0616:30Forum "Economic principles in cell physiology"Avi Flamholz, Maaike Remeijer, Frank BruggemanThe proteome is a terminal electron acceptor
ThuMar 0617:00Topos Institute ColloquiumMatteo CapucciRepresentable Behaviour in Double Categorical Systems Theory
ThuMar 0619:00Online logic seminarJuan Pablo de RasisDefinability problems regarding Campana points and Darmon points
ThuMar 0620:00Calgary Algebra and Number Theory SeminarEmily Quesada-HerreraTBA
ThuMar 0620:00New York Number Theory SeminarMichael TaitCardinalities of g-difference sets
ThuMar 0620:30Prairie mathematics colloquiumAdam ClayOrderable Groups and the L-space Conjecture
ThuMar 0621:30SFU NT-AG seminarJulia GordonTBA
ThuMar 0622:00PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research SeminarJessica StockdaleTBA
ThuMar 0622:00STAGETBAThe $S$-unit equation
FriMar 0700:30UCLA Combinatorics ForumAda StelzerCrystals, standard monomials, and filtered RSK
FriMar 0701:30UCLA Combinatorics ForumEsther BanaianPositivity and Structure of Generalized Cluster Algebras
FriMar 0708:00SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics SeminarsKazumi OkuyamaTBA
FriMar 0712:40ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry SeminarsJohn Christian OttemFano varieties with torsion in the third cohomology group
FriMar 0714:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarMario RománTBA
FriMar 0715:00Cross Alps Logic SeminarSumun IyerTBA
FriMar 0716:45CUNY Geometric Analysis SeminarKazuo AkutagawaHarmonic maps from the product of hyperbolic spaces to hyperbolic spaces
FriMar 0718:00VCU Geometry and Topology Seminarpending confirmationTBA
SatMar 0814:05Knots, graphs and groupsHyungtae BaekKrull-like domain arising from Anderson rings
MonMar 1008:00Tropical mathematics and machine learningPriyaa Varshinee SrinivasanDrazin inverses in Categories
MonMar 1010:00NKUA HEP SeminarsMarkus B. FröbModular Hamiltonians, relative entropy and the entropy-area law in de Sitter spacetime
MonMar 1012:15CAM seminarSnorre Harald ChristiansenMixed finite elements from the point of view of category theory
MonMar 1013:00Paris algebra seminarLeandro VendraminNichols algebras over groups
MonMar 1014:00Geometric and functional inequalities and applicationsGiampiero PalatucciThe De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory for kinetic equations with nonlocal diffusions
MonMar 1014:40Nečas Seminar on Continuum MechanicsKai RichterTBA
MonMar 1015:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarDavid BlecherTBA
MonMar 1015:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarMarco MiceliSheaves on sites, topologies on Sch and comparisons
MonMar 1022:00SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") SeminarRobert John BaraldiA Trust-Region Method for Nonsmooth Optimization with Applications in Machine Learning and PDE Constrained Optimization
MonMar 1023:00Fraser Valley Math & Stats SeminarGlen Van BrummelenJamshīd al-Kāshī in India: A 18th-Century Story of Transmission in Trigonometry
TueMar 1101:00Nonlinear Analysis Seminar SeriesDr. Bochen LiuTBA
TueMar 1108:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarArthur HutsalyukExact Spin Correlators of Integrable Quantum Circuits from Algebraic Geometry
TueMar 1113:00Function spacesDariusz KoszVariation of the centered maximal function
TueMar 1113:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarGianmarco CaldiniOptimal smooth approximation of integral cycles
TueMar 1114:00One World Combinatorics on Words SeminarPierre LetouzeyGeneralizing some Hofstadter functions: G, H and beyond
TueMar 1114:00Non-local operators, probability and singularitiesFederica GregorioTBA
TueMar 1114:00ANTLR seminarMartin BaysTBA
TueMar 1115:00Geometria em Lisboa (IST)Nick SheridanQuantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology
TueMar 1115:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsAdam BobrowskiAnalytic description of Brownian motions on star-like graphs
TueMar 1115:00Quantum SpainEmanuele CostaA Quantum Annealing Protocol to Solve the Nuclear Shell Model
TueMar 1116:00The Isogeny ClubLaurane MacroComputing modular polynomials modulo a generic prime
TueMar 1116:15Northwestern Applied Mathematics SeminarVaseem ShaikActive Particles in Inhomogeneous Environments
TueMar 1116:15New England Dynamics and Number Theory SeminarMichael BersudskyTBA