Probability Victoria Seminar (PVSeminar)

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Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 08:00-09:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Konstantin Borovkov*
*contact for this listing

All the information about the forthcoming and past events (including the seminars' Zoom links, where available) can be found at The URL of the seminar YouTube channel is:

Upcoming talks
Past talks
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TueMar 1808:00Carlangelo LiveraniDynamical Systems as Markov Chains
ThuApr 1007:30Marco CarfagniniTBA
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ThuDec 0508:30Thomas CassSignature kernels as universal scaling limits and free probability: from path characteristic functions towards quantum signatures
ThuJun 1307:00Günter LastCluster density and uniqueness of the infinite cluster of the random connection model
ThuMay 2306:00Domenico MarinucciGeometry and topology of spin random fields
ThuMay 1606:00Domenico MarinucciGeometry and topology of spin random fields
ThuMay 0907:00Enzo OrsingherPlanar random motions at finite velocity
ThuMay 0207:00Simon HarrisGenealogies of samples from stochastic population models
WedDec 1300:00Ruth J. WilliamsStochastic models of biochemical reaction networks and reflected diffusions
ThuNov 1607:30Ivan NourdinQuantitative CLTs in Deep Neural Networks
ThuOct 2606:00Xi GengExpected signature on Riemannian manifolds and its geometric implications
ThuSep 1407:00Peter MörtersMetastability of the contact process on evolving scale-free networks
WedAug 3023:00Fabrice BaudoinGeneralized stochastic areas, Winding numbers, and hyperbolic Stiefel fibrations
ThuJun 0807:00Andreas KyprianouAttraction to and repulsion from patches on the hypersphere and hyperplane for isotropic d-dimensional α-stable processes with index alpha in (0, 1] and dimension 2 or more.
ThuMay 2507:00Ben GoldysStochastic flows in infinite dimensions
ThuMay 1107:00Vladimir MatveevGeodesic random walks, diffusion processes, and Brownian motion on Finsler manifolds
ThuApr 2708:00Serguei PopovConditioned simple random walk in two dimensions
ThuApr 2007:00Emma HortonAsymptotic behaviour of critical branching processes
ThuApr 0607:00Andrea CollevecchioLocalization in Strongly Reinforced Random Walks
WedMar 2223:00Gennady SamorodnitskyTBA
WedMar 0823:00Matthew KlebanConformal Field Theory and the Brownian Loop Soup
ThuNov 1706:00Yogeshwaran DhandapaniPoisson process approximation under stabilization and Palm coupling
WedOct 1923:00Jim PitmanProbabilistic and combinatorial interpretations of Euler’s exp-log recursion
WedOct 0523:00Davar Khoshnevisan (TBC)Valleys for the stochastic heat equation
TueSep 2007:00Jian DingRecent progress on shotgun assembly problems
ThuSep 0807:00Giovanni PeccatiSome variations on a theme by P. de Jong
ThuAug 1800:00Yimin XiaoSample Path and Extreme Value Properties of Multivariate
ThuAug 0407:00Boris BuchmannWeak Subordination of Multivariate Levy Processes
ThuMay 2607:00Cecilia HolmgrenSplit trees — A unifying model for many important random trees of logarithmic height
ThuMay 1200:00Yaozhong HuAsymptotics of the density of parabolic Anderson random fields
ThuApr 2808:00Arturo Kohatsu-HigaSimulation of Reflected Brownian motion on two dimensional wedges
ThuApr 1407:00Yuan ZhangOn Geometries of Finitary Random Interlacements
ThuMar 3106:00Peter BraunsteinsA sample-path large deviation principle for dynamic Erdős-Rényi random graphs
WedMar 1623:00Rodrigo BañuelosMartingale transforms and discrete singular integrals
ThuMar 0306:00Nathan RossGaussian process approximation using Stein’s method, with applications to queues
WedDec 0123:00Jay RosenLaw of the iterated logarithm for permanental processes and the local times of associated Markov processes
ThuNov 1800:00Krzysztof BurdzyNoisy billiards
ThuOct 2808:00Alain-Sol SznitmanOn disconnection and the bubble set for random interlacements.
ThuOct 1408:00Ehsan AzmoodehOptimal Variance–Gamma approximation on Wiener space
ThuSep 3009:00Miryana GrigorovaSuperhedging of options in a non-linear incomplete financial market model
ThuSep 0209:00Hiroki MasudaTBA
ThuJun 1709:00Ashkan NikeghbaliA remarkable random holomorphic function and its generalization
ThuJun 1009:00Francois BaccelliReplica-mean-field limits for intensity-based neural networks
ThuJun 0309:00Ben HamblyParticle systems and systemic risk
ThuMay 2009:00Cécile MaillerThe phase transition for planar Gaussian percolation models without positive associations
ThuMay 0609:00Jean BertoinA repentant random walk
ThuApr 2209:00Erwin BolthausenApproximate message passage and the TAP equation
ThuMar 1808:00David CroydonAnomalous scaling regime for one-dimensional Mott variable-range hopping
ThuMar 0408:00Jevgenijs IvanovsRecovering Brownian and jump parts from high-frequency observations of a Lévy process
ThuDec 1706:00XIao FangError bounds in multivariate normal approximations
ThuNov 2608:00Laurent TournieThe phase transition in three-speed ballistic annihilation
ThuNov 1906:00Antar BandyopadhyayRandom Recursive Tree, Branching Markov Chains and Urn Models
ThuNov 1208:00Takis KonstantopoulosLongest and heaviest paths in random directed graphs
ThuNov 0507:00Elie AidekonCluster explorations of the loop soup on a metric graph related to the Gaussian free field
ThuOct 2906:00Fima KlebanerA new result on the long term behaviour of a dynamical system perturbed by small noise and started near an unstable fixed point, with an application to the Bare Bones evolution model for an establishment of a mutant.
ThuOct 2206:00Wei QianGeneralized disconnection exponents for Brownian loop-soups
ThuOct 1507:00Gesine ReinertStein’s method for multivariate distributions, kernelized goodness of fit statistics, and exponential random graph models
ThuOct 0107:00Ross MallerA Generalized Dickman Distribution and the Number of Species in a Negative Binomial Process Model
ThuSep 2407:00Stephen MuirheadThe phase transition for planar Gaussian percolation models without positive associations
ThuJun 1807:00Yamazaki KazutoshiLevy processes observed at Poisson arrival times and their applications in stochastic control
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