GEOTOP-A seminar

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geometric topology

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Friday 16:00-17:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Alicia Dickenstein, José-Carlos Gómez-Larrañaga, Kathryn Hess, Neza Mramor-Kosta, Renzo Ricca*, De Witt L. Sumners
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Web-seminar series on Applications of Geometry and Topology

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriFeb 2116:00Sophia KnightLogical undefinability and Truth Set Algebras
FriFeb 2816:00Colin AdamsHyperbolicity for Knotoids, Generalized Knotoids and Staked links
FriMar 1416:00Agnese BarbensiTBA
FriMar 2816:00Oliver GrossTBA
FriApr 1116:00Magnus BotnanTBA
FriApr 2516:00Kathryn LindseyTBA
FriMay 0916:00Bernadette StolzTBA
FriMay 2316:00Dante ChialvoTBA
FriJun 0616:00María del Rocío González DíazTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriFeb 1416:00Steve LeveneUnmasking a hidden DNA-supercoil relaxation activity in a site-specific recombination system
FriJan 3116:00Mathilde PapillonMake any GNN Go Topological with TopoTune
FriJan 1716:00Ciprian ManolescuGeneralizations of Rasmussen's invariant
FriDec 1316:00Pablo SoberónBisecting masses with hyperplane arrangements
FriDec 0616:00Luis VegaThe binormal flow and the evolution of viscous vortex filaments
FriNov 2216:00María José Jiménez RodríguezMorse Theory for Chromatic Delaunay Triangulations
FriNov 1516:00Mike LesnickRobustness and Computability of 2-Parameter Persistent Homology
FriNov 0116:00Hannah Santa CruzHodge Laplacians on Sequences
FriOct 1816:00Jacek BrodzkiTopological insights into physical phenomena
FriOct 1116:00Max LiptonPseudodifferential Methods and the Mobius Knot Energy
FriSep 2716:00Uta ZieglerRandom polygons in spherical confinement
FriSep 1316:00Claus ErnstOn the braid index of knots and links
FriSep 0616:00Lucile VandembroucqOn the (higher) topological complexity of manifolds with abelian fundamental group
FriAug 2316:00Natasha JonoskaTopological models for studying DNA self-assembly
FriMay 3116:00Eric GoubaultDirected homology and persistence modules
FriMay 1715:00Tamas KalmanKnotted and branching defects in ordered media
FriMay 0316:00Yuanan DiaoBraid index and Ropelength of alternating knots
FriApr 2616:00Pablo Suárez SerratoTopics in Geometric Learning
FriApr 1916:00Iris YoonTopological tracing of encoded circular coordinates between neural populations
FriApr 0516:00Francesco VaccarinoThree easy pieces for Hodge Laplacian and higher order interactions
FriMar 1516:00Chris SoterosEstablishing that Knots and Links are Localized for Ring polymers in nanochannels
FriMar 0116:00Jörn DunkelTopological packing statistics of living and non-living matter
FriFeb 1617:00Dmitriy MorozovFrom Descriptive to Operational Topological Data Analysis
FriFeb 0916:00Anthea MonodTropical Geometry of Phylogenetic Tree Space
SatJan 1323:00Pawel DlotkoData, their shape, and beyond
SatJan 1315:00Radmila SazdanovicThe shape of relations: knots and other stories
FriJan 1215:00Yusu WangGraph learning models: theoretical understanding, limitations and enhancements
ThuJan 1121:00Louis H KauffmanReconnection Numbers of Knotted Vortices
ThuJan 1115:00Sophie JacksonThe What, Where, How and Why of Topological Knots in Proteins
WedJan 1015:00Alexander DranishnikovOn some variations of TC and the LS-category
TueJan 0921:00Pablo SoberónNew results on envy-free distributions
TueJan 0915:00Ismar VolićSimplicial complexes and political structures
TueJan 0900:00Yuliy BaryshnikovOn Spaces of Coverings
MonJan 0821:00Cristian MichelettiDynamics and mechanics of knotted DNA and RNAs: insights from molecular dynamics simulations
MonJan 0815:00Mitchell BergerContinuous topological measures: helicity, winding, and higher order winding
FriDec 1516:00Alain GorielyThe geometry and mechanics of chirality: from Maxwell's perversion to Feynman's obsession
FriDec 0116:00Wojciech ChacholskiData, geometry, and homology
FriNov 1716:00Clayton ShonkwilerGeometric Approaches to Frame Theory
FriNov 0316:00Allison MooreEntanglement and invariants of theta-curves
FriOct 2016:00Dmitry Feichtner-KozlovSimplicial Methods in Distributed Computing
FriOct 1316:00Ximena FernándezThe Fermat principle in Riemannian geometry
FriOct 0615:00Jens EggersGeometrical singularities and free surface cusps
FriSep 2216:00Isabel DarcyModeling knotted proteins with tangles
FriSep 0816:00Petar PavešićSingularity-free motion planning for redundant parallel manipulators
FriSep 0116:00Ran LeviDifferential Calculus for Modules over Posets
FriAug 1816:00Yulia R. GelCoupling Time-Aware Multipersistence Knowledge Representation with Graph Convolutional Networks for Time Series Forecasting
FriJun 1616:00Gunnar HornigMagnetohydrodynamic relaxation, helicity and minimum energy states in magnetised plasmas
FriJun 0216:00Fernando Galaz-GarcíaMetric geometry of spaces of persistence diagrams
FriMay 1916:00Mónica ClappOptimal partitions for the Yamabe equation
FriApr 2815:00Xin LiuRole of topology in study of cascade evolutions of physical knot/link complex systems
FriApr 1416:00Bastian RieckCurvature for Graph Learning
FriMar 3116:00Koya ShimokawaApplications of band surgery on knots and links
FriMar 1716:00Darrick LeeMapping Space Signatures
FriMar 0316:00Armajac Raventós PujolSimplicial complexes and the index lemma: A pathway to reach agreements fairly
FriFeb 1716:00Ingrid Membrillo SolísSpaces of discrete vector fields and their applications to complex systems dynamics
FriFeb 1016:00Steve OudotSigned rank decompositions for multi-parameter persistence: from Moebius inversion to relative homological algebra
FriJan 2716:00Érika RoldánTopology of random 2-dimensional cubical complexes
FriJan 1316:00Fred ChazalMeasure Vectorization for Automatic Topologically-Oriented Learning with guarantees.
FriDec 1616:00Reidun TwarockGeometry in the Fight against Viral Infection
FriDec 0916:00Francesco Di GiovanniOver-squashing and over-smoothing through the lenses of curvature and multi-particle dynamics
FriNov 1816:00Carlo BarenghiIs turbulence knotted?
FriNov 0416:00Marc LackenbyKnot theory and machine learning
FriOct 2115:00Chad GiustiTracking cycles in neural codes
FriOct 1415:00Peter BubenikTopological Data Analysis for Biological Images and Video
FriSep 3015:00Jérémy LedentKnowledge and topology: a simplicial approach
FriSep 2315:00Alexandru BaltagThe Topology of Knowing (Or How to Avoid Unexpected Exams)
FriSep 0915:00John BaezCompositional Modeling with Decorated Cospans
FriSep 0215:00Martina ScolamieroStable and interpretable topological feature maps
FriAug 1915:00Lisbeth FajstrupCollapsing in directed topology
FriJun 0315:00Xiao-Gang WenFrom topological order to origin of elementary particles (from algebra to geometry)
FriMay 2015:00Claudia LandiMulti-parameter persistence from the viewpoint of discrete Morse theory.
FriMay 0615:00Alexander GrosbergIs Trivial Knot Really So Trivial?
FriApr 2215:00Yang-Hui HeUniverses as Bigdata: Physics, Geometry and Machine-Learning
FriApr 0116:00Carina CurtoDynamically relevant motifs in inhibition-dominated networks
FriMar 1816:00Randall KamienA New Classification of Topological Defects
FriMar 1116:00Kevin KnudsonDiscrete Stratified Morse Theory
FriFeb 1816:00Marco Tulio AnguloCoexistence holes in ecological systems
FriFeb 0416:00Jesús Rodríguez-VioratoTopological Analysis from Latent Semantic Analysis
FriJan 2116:00Tudor RatiuThe Geometry of Fluid Dynamics
FriDec 1016:00Matthew KahleConfigurations spaces of particles: homological solid, liquid, and gas
FriDec 0316:00Jacob LeygonieInverse Problems for Persistent Homology
FriNov 1916:00Antonio RieserApplied topology from the classical point of view
FriNov 1216:00Paweł DłotkoData, their relations and shape - topology in action
FriOct 2915:00Fazle Hussain and Jie YaoDynamics of viscous vortex knots and links
FriOct 1515:00Janet M. ThorntonThe Wonderful World of Protein Structures
FriOct 0115:00Lynn ZechiedrichCooperativity of looping- and supercoiling-mediated base-pair disruption among distant sites modulates the 3-D structure of DNA to control its activity
FriSep 1715:00Enzo OrlandiniGetting interlocked circular chains through the needle’s eye
FriSep 0315:00Yusu WangPersistent Laplacian: properties and algorithms
FriAug 2015:00Bei WangSheaf-Theoretic Stratification Learning From Geometric and Topological Perspectives
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