Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology geometric topology quantum algebra

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 07:30-09:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Vassily Olegovich Manturov*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 1207:30Антон БелецкийИтеративная теория малых сокращений И. Рипса и ее применение к проблеме Бернсайда
WedJan 2907:30Mohammed SabakTBA
WedJan 2207:30Euich MiztaniTime-independent Special Theory of Relativity
WedJan 1507:30Arina FilimonovaMorphisms generating Lyndon words
WedJan 0807:30Mikhail BludovBalanced sets and homotopy invariants of covers
WedDec 2507:30Gu XingPolynomial invariants and the cohomology of $BPU(p^m)$
WedDec 1807:30Zhengyi ZhouKahler compactification of C^n and Reeb dynamics
WedDec 1107:30Weibiao WangEmbeddability of non-orientable closed surfaces in 3-manifolds
WedDec 0407:30Miztani EuichTime-independent Special Theory of Relativity
WedNov 2707:30Oleg N. GermanTheorems of Dirichlet, Vahlen, and Hurwitz
WedNov 2007:30Rama MishraParameterizing Real rational knots by Gluing
WedNov 1307:30Bao VuongA personal journey along Alexander polynomials
WedNov 0607:30Fyodor IvlevThe boundness of distance between two sets of fixed volume inside the multidimensional right figures of unite volume.
WedOct 3007:30Hayato ImoriInstantons, Khovanov homology, and immersed cobordism maps
WedOct 2307:30Andrey Y. VesninPolynomials of complete spatial graphs and Jones polynomials of related links
WedOct 1607:30Peng DuIsotropic points in the Balmer spectrum of stable motivic homotopy categories
WedOct 0907:30Jie WuTopology meets Artificial Intelligence (AI)
WedOct 0207:30Alexis VerelzierState sum homotopy invariants of maps
WedSep 2507:30Seongjeong KimClassification of knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ with small number of crossings
WedSep 1807:30Liliya GrunwaldАналитическая теория циркулянтных графов и ее приложения к комбинаторному анализу
WedSep 1107:30Zhengwei LiuTBA
WedSep 0407:30Bing FangSufficient conditions for amalgamated 3-manifolds to be $\partial$-irreducible and irreducible
WedAug 2807:30Yilong WangAlterfold invariants and alterfold TQFT
WedAug 2107:30Arkadiy SkopenkovThe band connected sum and the second Kirby move for higher-dimensional links
WedAug 1407:30Shuang WuApplications of GLMY theory in metabolomic networks of complex diseases
WedAug 0707:30Shuang MingTensor categories and alterfold theory
WedJul 3107:30Eiji OgasaSeifert surfaces for virtual knots
WedJul 1007:30Yurii BelovSpectral synthesis for systems of exponentials and reproducing kernels
WedJul 0307:30Boris ShapiroMystery of point charges after Gauss-Maxwell-Morse
WedJun 2607:30Yu QiuModuli spaces of quadratic differentials: Abel-Jacobi maps and deformation
WedJun 1907:30Xin FuCohomology of partial quotients
WedJun 1207:30Darya PopovaFlat virtual links and knot invariants
WedJun 0507:30Fedor NilovWebs from circles and lines
WedMay 2907:30Hayk SedrakyanNovel Sedrakyan-Mozayeni theorem, and its applications in scientific research in topology and geometry
WedMay 2207:30Qingying DengPartial-dual polynomial as a framed weight system
WedMay 1507:30Benjamin AudouxWelded graphs, Wirtinger presentations and knotted punctured spheres
WedMay 0807:30Shen DaweiThe magnitude for algebras is a generalization of the Euler characteristic
WedMay 0107:30Margarita Shevtsova, Ivan VorobievSymbolic dynamics, First and Second digits of sequences
WedApr 2407:30Ruben LouisOn Nash resolution of (singular) Lie algebroids
WedApr 1707:30Joel HassKnotted surfaces and their profile curves
WedApr 1007:30Ramanujan SantharoubaneAn embedding of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a surface into a localized quantum torus
WedApr 0307:30Marco De RenziHomological and quantum representations of mapping class groups
WedMar 2707:30Benoît Guerville-BalléConnectedness and combinatorial interplay in the moduli space of line arrangements.
WedMar 2007:30Jiang YiFree circle actions on highly connected (2n+1)-manifolds
WedMar 1307:30Jean-Baptiste MeilhanCut-diagrams and surfaces in 4-space
WedMar 0607:30Kirova ValeriiaOn the combinatorial complexity functions of Sturmian words
WedFeb 2807:30Seongjeong KimKnot in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of degree one and long knot invariants
WedFeb 2107:30Sergei LandoInducing graph invariants from the universal $\mathcal{gl}$-weight system
WedFeb 0707:30Kodai WadaVirtualized Delta moves for virtual knots and links
WedJan 3107:30Alexander Dmitrievich MednykhSpectral Invariants of Graphs and Their Applications to Combinatorics.
WedJan 2407:30Zhang Zhi-HaoEnriched categories and their centers
WedJan 1707:30Zhiyun ChengThe calculation of the rank of the incidence matrix of a hypergraph
WedJan 1007:30Mikhail DobritsynTBA
WedJan 0307:30Chen XiaoyangRational ellipticity of Riemannian manifolds
WedDec 2707:30Ren ShiquanRegular maps on Cartesian products and disjoint unions of manifolds
WedDec 2007:30Vassily Olegovich ManturovA map from classical theory to virtual knot theory. An introduction to flat-virtual knots
WedDec 1307:30Alexey Yakovlevich Kanel-BelovQuantization, polynomial automorphisms and the Jacobian problem.
WedDec 0607:30Haimiao ChenTorsion in the skein module of the complement of a 4-strand Montesinos knot
WedNov 2205:30Hayk SedrakyanDistance formulas for any four points on a plane. Possible applications to pentagon case
WedNov 1507:30Rhea Bakshi PalakOn the structure of the Kauffman bracket skein module
WedOct 2507:30Dilshan WijesenaClassifying representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra
WedOct 1107:30Vassily O. ManturovFlat-virtual objects or how to map classical theory to virtual theory
WedOct 0407:30Akio KawauchiRibbon disk-link realization of contractible finite 2-complex and Kervaire conjecture on group weight
WedSep 2707:30Sergei LandoWeight systems related to Lie algebras
WedSep 2007:30Fengling LiThe $F$-polynomial invariant for knotoids
WedSep 1307:30Fedor DuzhinOn two practical problems of social choice theory
WedSep 0607:30Dilshan WijesenaClassifying representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra
WedAug 3007:30Tianyu YuanFolded Morse trees and spectral networks
WedAug 2307:30Lin DexieKodaira type conjecture on almost complex 4 manifolds
WedAug 1607:30Lin JianfengKontsevich's characteristic classes and formal smooth structures
WedAug 0907:30Eiji OgasaFramed links in thickened surfaces and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with boundary
WedAug 0207:30Seokbeom YoonSuper-Ptolemy coordinates and C^2-torsion polynomial
WedJul 2607:30Sergei SergeevPentagon Identity and Multidimensional Integrability
WedJul 1907:30Tatiana KozlovskayaBraid-like group. Simplicial structure on pure singular braid groups.
WedJul 1207:30Michael ShapiroSymplectic groupoid and Teichmuller space of closed genus two curves (continued)
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