Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 19:00 | Andrew DeLapo | Index Sets and Computable Categoricity of CSC Spaces | |
Thu | Feb 06 | 19:00 | Victoria Gitman | Parameter-free schemes in second-order arithmetic | |
Thu | Jan 23 | 19:00 | Theodore Slaman | Extending Borel's Conjecture from Measure to Dimension | |
Thu | Dec 05 | 19:00 | Sunil Karn | Behaviorally Correct Language Identification. | |
Thu | Nov 21 | 19:00 | Julia Knight | Complexity of well-ordered sets in an ordered Abelian group | |
Thu | Nov 14 | 19:00 | Dicle Mutlu | Definable groups in henselian valued fields | |
Thu | Nov 07 | 19:00 | Charles McCoy | Computable $\Pi^0_2$ Scott Sentences | |
Thu | Oct 31 | 18:00 | Janani Lakshmanan | New Measures of Automatic Complexity Arising from Quantum Logic | |
Thu | Oct 24 | 18:00 | Java Darleen Villano | Computable categoricity relative to a degree | |
Thu | Oct 17 | 18:00 | Sam Sanders | Some results in reverse mathematics inspired by proof mining | |
Thu | Oct 10 | 18:00 | Jinhe Ye | Hyperbolicity and model complete fields | |
Thu | Oct 03 | 18:00 | Don Stull | Recent progress on distance sets in the plane | |
Thu | Sep 26 | 18:00 | Leonardo Coregliano | Exchangeable random structures and quasirandomness | |
Thu | Sep 12 | 18:00 | Leo Jimenez | Internality of autonomous systems of differential equations | |
Thu | May 09 | 18:00 | David Meretzky | Differential Field Arithmetic | |
Thu | May 02 | 18:00 | Marcelo E. Coniglio | Decision procedures for Intuitionistic logic and for modal logic S4 by 3-valued non-deterministic matrices | |
Thu | Apr 25 | 18:00 | Brian Zilli | On the spectra of computable bounded analytic functions | |
Thu | Apr 11 | 18:00 | Thomas Icard | Causal Inference as a Logical Problem | |
Thu | Mar 28 | 18:00 | Miriam Parnes | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 14 | 18:00 | Vincent Guingona | Configurations and Products of Classes | |
Thu | Mar 07 | 19:00 | Jessica Schirle | Gaming Models by Buildings | |
Thu | Feb 15 | 19:00 | Ellen Hammatt | Punctual Structures | |
Thu | Feb 08 | 19:00 | Jamshid Derakhshan | Decidability of the class of all the rings $Z/mZ$: A problem of Ax | |
Thu | Feb 01 | 19:00 | David Gonzalez | Generically computable linear orderings | |
Thu | Jan 18 | 19:00 | Russell Miller | Computability and absolute Galois groups | |
Thu | Dec 14 | 19:00 | Nicholas Ramsey | Model theory and the Lazard Correspondence | |
Thu | Dec 07 | 19:00 | Landon Elkind | Principia Mathematica, Negative Types, and a theorem of infinity for Z-Principia Mathematica | |
Thu | Nov 30 | 19:00 | Diana Carolina Montoya | Cardinal characteristics and singular cardinals | |
Thu | Nov 16 | 19:00 | Canceled | TBA | |
Thu | Nov 09 | 19:00 | Assaf Shani | Generic analysis of Borel homomorphisms for the finite Friedman-Stanley jumps | |
Thu | Nov 02 | 18:00 | (Cancelled) | (Cancelled due to speaker illness; will reschedule) | |
Thu | Oct 26 | 18:00 | Salma Kuhlmann | The automorphism group of Hahn fields | |
Thu | Oct 19 | 18:00 | Dino Rossegger | Learning equivalence relations | |
Thu | Oct 12 | 18:00 | Noah Schweber | Logic(s) in the computable context | |
Thu | Oct 05 | 18:00 | Kameryn Williams | Interpretations and bi-interpretations in second-order arithmetic | |
Thu | Sep 28 | 18:00 | Teresa Kouri Kissel | Proof-Theoretic Pluralism and Harmony | |
Thu | Sep 21 | 18:00 | Darío García | Pseudofiniteness and measurability of the everywhere infinite forest | |
Thu | Sep 14 | 18:00 | Michaël Cadilhac | Circuit Complexity as a Mathematician's Playground: Logic, Algebra, Combinatorics | |
Thu | Sep 07 | 18:00 | Timothy Trujillo | Nonstandard Methods in Topological Ramsey Theory: Revisiting the Nash-Williams Theorem | |
Thu | Aug 31 | 18:00 | Sam Sanders | The Biggest Five of Reverse Mathematics | |
Thu | Aug 24 | 18:00 | Isabella Scott | Effective constructions of existentially closed groups | |
Thu | May 11 | 18:00 | Una Stojnić | TBA | |
Thu | May 04 | 18:00 | Daniel Mourad | Computing Non-Repetitive Sequences Using the Lovász Local Lemma | |
Thu | Apr 27 | 18:00 | Cian Dorr | Non-Extensional Higher Order Logic with Substitution | |
Thu | Apr 06 | 18:00 | Sandra Müller | Canonical Models of Determinacy | |
Thu | Mar 30 | 18:00 | Elliot Kaplan | Hilbert polynomials for finitary matroids | |
Thu | Mar 23 | 18:00 | Athar Abdul-Quader | Arithmetic Saturation and Pathological Satisfaction | |
Thu | Mar 16 | 18:00 | Jenna Zomback | Weak mixing for semigroup actions and applications to pointwise ergodic theorems | |
Thu | Mar 02 | 19:00 | Konstantin Slutsky | Partial actions and orbit equivalence relations | |
Thu | Feb 23 | 19:00 | Alexandra Soskova | Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders | |
Thu | Feb 16 | 19:00 | Michael Hrušák | Model theory and topological groups | |
Thu | Feb 09 | 19:00 | Liling Ko | Computable smallness is not intrinsic smallness | |
Thu | Feb 02 | 19:00 | Maribel Fernandez | Nominal Techniques for the Specification of Languages with Binders | |
Thu | Jan 26 | 19:00 | Adele Padgett | Regular solutions of systems of transexponential polynomials | |
Thu | Jan 19 | 19:00 | Patrick Lutz | The Solecki dichotomy and the Posner Robinson theorem | |
Thu | Dec 15 | 19:00 | Francesca Zaffora Blando | Randomness and Invariance | |
Thu | Dec 01 | 19:00 | David Schrittesser | Nonstandard analysis and statistical decision theory | |
Thu | Nov 17 | 19:00 | Barbara Csima | Degrees of Categoricity | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 19:00 | Vincent Bagayoko | Some ordered groups of generalized series | |
Thu | Nov 03 | 18:00 | Philip White | A Two-Cardinal Ramsey Operator on Ideals | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 18:00 | Gabriel Conant | Separation for isometric group actions and hyperimaginary independence | |
Thu | Oct 20 | 18:00 | Kirsten Eisenträger | A topological approach to undefinability in algebraic extensions of the rationals | |
Thu | Oct 13 | 18:00 | Jonathan Protzenko | Computational Law: Programming Languages meet the Law | |
Thu | Sep 22 | 18:00 | Hunter Spink | Random walks and combinatorial dimensions in o-minimal groups | |
Thu | Sep 15 | 18:00 | Neer Bhardwaj | An analytic AKE program with induced structure results on coefficient field and monomial group | |
Thu | Sep 08 | 18:00 | Patricia Blanchette | Formalism in Logic | |
Thu | Sep 01 | 18:00 | Karen Lange | Classification via effective lists | |
Thu | Aug 25 | 18:00 | Xavier Vidaux | Towers of totally real nested square roots: undecidability, the lattice of subfields, and the quartic extensions within the tower | |
Thu | Aug 18 | 18:00 | Ramyaa | Advances in Differentiable Program Learning | |
Thu | May 05 | 18:00 | Ioannis Souldatos | (Non)-Absolute Characterizations of Cardinals | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 18:00 | George Metcalfe | From ordered groups to ordered monoids and back again | |
Thu | Apr 14 | 18:00 | Forte Shinko | Realizations of equivalence relations and subshifts | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 18:00 | Manlio Valenti | The first-order part of Weihrauch degrees | |
Thu | Mar 24 | 18:00 | Riley Thornton | An algebraic approach to Borel CSPs | |
Thu | Mar 17 | 18:00 | John Baldwin | Category theory and Model Theory: Symbiotic Scaffolds | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 19:00 | Adam Case | Finite-State Mutual Dimension | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 19:00 | Roman Kossak | Undefinability and absolute undefinability in models of arithmetic | |
Thu | Feb 10 | 19:00 | Antonina Kolokolova | Learning from bounded arithmetic | |
Thu | Jan 27 | 19:00 | Lauren Wickman | Knaster Continua and Projective Fraïssé Theory | |
Thu | Jan 20 | 19:00 | Daniel Turetsky | True Stages -- From Priority Arguments to Descriptive Set Theory | |
Thu | Jan 13 | 19:00 | Caleb Camrud | Continuous Logic, Diagrams, and Truth Values for Computable Presentations | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 19:00 | Todor Tsankov | Continuous logic and Borel equivalence relations | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 19:00 | Mostafa Mirabi | MS-measurability via Coordinatization | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 19:00 | Vasco Brattka | A Galois connection between Turing jumps and limits | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 19:00 | Sara Uckelman | John Eliot's Logick Primer: A bilingual English-Algonquian logic textbook | |
Thu | Nov 11 | 19:00 | Jana Mařiková | Definable matchings in o-minimal bipartite graphs | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 18:00 | Natalia García Fritz | Hilbert's tenth problem for rings of exponential polynomials | |
Thu | Oct 28 | 18:00 | Alexandra Shlapentokh | A Mysterious Ring | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 18:00 | Gregory Cherlin | Homogeneity and generalized metric spaces | |
Thu | Oct 14 | 18:00 | Franziska Jahnke | Decidability and definability in unramified henselian valued fields | |
Thu | Oct 07 | 18:00 | Françoise Point | Definable groups in topological fields with a generic derivation | |
Thu | Sep 30 | 18:00 | Gihanee Senadheera | Effective Concept Classes of PACi/PAC Incomparable Degrees and Jump Structure | |
Thu | Sep 16 | 18:00 | Caroline Terry | Speeds of hereditary properties and mutual algebricity | |
Thu | Sep 09 | 18:00 | Marcelo Arena | Descriptive Complexity for Counting Complexity Classes | |
Thu | Sep 02 | 18:00 | Cristina Sernadas | Decidability via Reduction in Logics and Their Combinations | |
Thu | Aug 26 | 18:00 | Colin Jahel | Some progress on the unique ergodicity problem | |
Thu | Aug 19 | 18:00 | Joel Nagloo | Geometric triviality in differentially closed fields | |
Thu | Jul 29 | 18:00 | Hunter Spink | Probabilistic Littlewood-Offord anti-concentration results via model theory | |
Thu | Jul 22 | 18:00 | Noah Schweber | Ceers higher up | |
Thu | Jul 15 | 18:00 | Cristobal Rojas | Computability of Harmonic Measure | |
Thu | Jul 08 | 18:00 | Dimitra Chompitaki | Decidability results of subtheories of commonly used domains in Algebra and Number Theory | |
Thu | Jul 01 | 18:00 | Daoud Siniora | Generic automorphisms of homogeneous structures | |
Thu | Jun 17 | 18:00 | Christina Brech | Isomorphic combinatorial families | |
Thu | Jun 10 | 18:00 | Rachael Alvir | Scott Complexity and Finitely α-generated Structures | |
Thu | Jun 03 | 18:00 | Tarek Sayed-Ahmed | Atom canonicity, complete representations, and omitting types | |
Thu | May 27 | 18:00 | Alexi Block Gorman | Definability on the Reals from Büchi Automata | |
Thu | May 20 | 18:00 | Andrew Moorhead | Higher commutators, hypercubes, and the hierarchy of centralizer conditions | |
Thu | May 13 | 18:00 | Andrés Villaveces | A partition relation for well-founded trees by Komjáth and Shelah, and two applications to model theory. | |
Thu | May 06 | 18:00 | Valentina Harizanov | Computability theory and automorphisms of lattices of substructures | |
Thu | Apr 29 | 18:00 | Mariana Vicaria | Elimination of imaginaries and stable domination in multivalued fields | |
Thu | Apr 22 | 18:00 | Sylvy Anscombe | Some existential theories of fields | |
Thu | Apr 15 | 18:00 | Sarah Reitzes | Reduction games over $\textup{RCA}_0$ | |
Thu | Apr 01 | 18:00 | Deirdre Haskell | Tameness properties of theories of valued fields with analytic functions | |
Thu | Mar 25 | 18:00 | Michael Lieberman | Recent developments in categorical model theory | |
Thu | Mar 11 | 19:00 | Matthew Moore | The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Universal Algebras | |
Thu | Mar 04 | 19:00 | Dakota Ihli | What generic automorphisms of the random poset look like | |
Thu | Feb 25 | 19:00 | Sophia Knight | Reasoning about agents who may know other agents’ strategies in Strategy Logic | |
Thu | Feb 18 | 19:00 | Marcos Mazari-Armida | Characterizing noetherian rings via superstability | |
Thu | Feb 11 | 19:00 | Ludovic Patey | Canonical notions of forcing in computability theory | |
Thu | Feb 04 | 19:00 | Peter Cholak | Old and new results on the computably enumerable sets | |
Thu | Jan 28 | 19:00 | Raimundo Briceño | Dismantlability, connectedness, and mixing in relational structures | |
Thu | Jan 21 | 19:00 | Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki | Aristotle's Assertoric Syllogistic in Isabelle/HOL | |
Thu | Jan 14 | 19:00 | Aleksandra Kwiatkowska | Simplicity of the automorphism groups of countable homogeneous structures | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 19:00 | Gil Sagi | Formalization, Commitments and Constraints | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 19:00 | Johanna Franklin | Limiting densities and finitely presented structures | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 19:00 | Anush Tserunyan | Containers made easy | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 19:00 | Lynn Scow | Transfer of the Ramsey property | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 19:00 | Farzaneh Derakhshan | Strong Progress for Session-Typed Processes in a Linear Metalogic with Circular Proofs | |
Thu | Oct 29 | 18:00 | Adam Přenosil | Semisimplicity, Glivenko theorems, and the excluded middle | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 18:00 | Steffen Lempp | The Turing Degrees: On the Order Dimension of and Embeddings into the Turing Degrees | |
Thu | Oct 15 | 18:00 | John Baldwin | Towards a finer classification of Strongly minimal sets | |
Thu | Oct 08 | 18:00 | Artem Chernikov | Idempotent Keisler measures | |
Thu | Oct 01 | 18:00 | Victoria Noquez | The Sierpinski Carpet as a Final Coalgebra Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra | |
Thu | Sep 24 | 18:00 | Arno Pauly | How computability-theoretic degree structures and topological spaces are related | |
Thu | Sep 17 | 18:00 | Alexander Berenstein | Expansions of geometric theories as measurable structures | |
Thu | Sep 10 | 18:00 | Mirna Džamonja | On logics that make a bridge from the Discrete to the Continuous | |
Thu | Sep 03 | 18:00 | Carl Mummert | The strength of König's edge coloring theorem | |
Thu | Aug 27 | 18:00 | Dima Sinapova | Iteration, reflection, and Prikry forcing | |
Thu | Aug 20 | 18:00 | Damir Dzhafarov | Milliken's tree theorem and computability theory | |
Thu | Aug 13 | 18:00 | James Hanson | Strongly Minimal Sets in Continuous Logic | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 18:00 | James Worrell | Decision problems in program analysis | |
Thu | Jul 30 | 18:00 | Manuela Busaniche | Residuated Lattices: algebraic constructions related to substructural logics | |
Thu | Jul 23 | 18:00 | Dana Bartošová | Dynamics of finite products of groups and of group extensions | |
Thu | Jul 16 | 18:00 | Linda Brown Westrick | Borel combinatorics fail in HYP | |
Thu | Jul 09 | 18:00 | Henry Towsner | Should we believe in nonstandard analysis? | |
Thu | Jul 02 | 18:00 | Ruiyuan Chen | Stone duality and strong conceptual completeness for infinitary logic | |
Thu | Jun 25 | 18:00 | Rodrigo Torres-Avilés | Topological Mixing and Linear Recurrence on SMART | |
Thu | Jun 18 | 18:00 | Elaine Pimentel | A game model for proofs with costs | |
Thu | Jun 11 | 18:00 | Samaria Montenegro Guzmán | Model Theory of Pseudo Real Closed Fields | |
Thu | Jun 04 | 18:00 | William Brian | Limited-information strategies in Banach-Mazur games | |
Thu | May 28 | 18:00 | Wesley Holliday | Extensions of choice-free Stone duality | |
Thu | May 21 | 18:00 | Moshe Vardi | The automated-reasoning revolution: From theory to practice and back | |
Thu | May 14 | 18:00 | Chris Porter | Randomness extraction from a computability-theoretic perspective | |
Thu | May 07 | 18:00 | Rebecca Coulson | The Bipartite Diameter 3 Metrically Homogeneous Graphs of Generic Type: Their Ages and Their Almost Sure Theories | |
Thu | Apr 30 | 18:00 | Margaret Thomas | Point counting and parameterizations | |
Thu | Apr 23 | 18:00 | Mariya Soskova | Fragments of the Theory of Enumeration Degrees | |