Knots and representation theory

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algebraic topology

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Monday 15:30-17:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Seongjeong Kim*, Vassily O. Manturov, Igor M. Nikonov
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonMar 1715:30Manpreet SinghTBA
MonMar 3115:30Mikhail KhovanovTBA
MonApr 2115:30Vladimir ChernovTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 2415:30Mukilraj KLoop homology of some highly connected manifold
MonFeb 1715:30Andrew BartholomewUsing biracks to extract invariants of knots
MonFeb 1015:30Pramod PadmanabhanUniversal methods to solve higher simplex equations
MonJan 2715:30Mark PowellClassification of 4-manifolds with infinite dihedral fundamental group.
MonJan 2015:30Николай РомановХеширование и антихеширование.
MonJan 1315:30Protasov VladimirThe Newton aerodynamic problem:  after 300 years all over again
MonJan 0615:30Igor NikonovOn skein invariants
MonDec 3015:30Sandip SamantaAssociahedra and Its Combinatorial Isomorphism to Three Other Models
MonDec 2315:30Ben MccartyWhat does the Penrose polynomial actually count?
MonDec 1615:30Michael ShapiroGoldman bracket and cluster algebra
MonDec 0915:30André HenriquesWhat kind of thing is... Rep(G)?
MonDec 0215:30Tumpa MahatoIsolated-region number of a link projection
MonNov 2515:30Oscar OcampoCharacteristic subgroups and the R$_\infty$-property for virtual braid groups
MonNov 1815:30Seongjeong KimThe groups $G_{n}^{k}$, $2n$-gon tilings, and stacking of cubes
MonNov 1115:30Fedor NilovWebs from lines and circles
MonNov 0415:30Igor NikonovFlat-virtual knots: an introduction and some invariants
MonOct 2815:30Seongjeong KimThe Kauffman bracket skein module of $\mathbf {(S^1 \times S^2) \ \# \ (S^1 \times S^2)}$: another counterexample of Marche’s conjecture
MonOct 2115:30Tumpa MahatoParameterization and non-triviality of knotted surfaces arising from 1-dimensional knots
MonOct 1415:30Anton DzhamayGeometry of Discrete Integrable Systems: QRT Maps and Discrete Painlevé Equations
MonOct 0715:30Igor NikonovOn universal parity on free two-dimensional knots
MonSep 3013:30Qiuyu RenTBA
MonSep 2315:30Guowei WeiTopological deep learning: The past, present, and future
MonSep 1613:30Anup PoudelLie Superalgebra generalizations of the JKS-invariant]{Lie Superalgebra generalizations of the Jaeger-Kauffman-Saleur Invariant
MonSep 0915:30Jean-Marc SchlenkerPolyhedra inscribed in a quadric
MonSep 0213:30Igor M. NikonovFlat-virtual knot: introduction and some invariants
MonAug 2613:30Andrey M. ElishevOn Automorphisms of Tame Polynomial Automorphism Ind-Schemes in Positive Characteristic
MonAug 1913:30Bart VlaarCylindrical structures arising from quantum symmetric pairs
MonAug 1215:30Igor NikonovVirtual index cocycles and invariants of virtual links
MonAug 0514:30Jae-baek LeeDisconnected common graphs via supersaturation and beyond
MonJul 2913:30Renaud DetcherryOn torsion in the Kauffman bracket skein modules of 3-manifolds
MonJul 1513:30Hyungtae BaekHilbert basis theorem for $S$-Noetherian modules and $S$-strong Mori modules
MonJul 0813:30Igor NikonovBiquandloids of knots in thickened surfaces
MonJul 0113:30Byeorhi KimOn a smoothing strategy for topological surfaces in 4-manifolds
MonJun 2413:30Igor NikonovParity functors
MonJun 1713:30Hayk SedrakyanSedrakyan-Mozayeni theorem and pentagon equestion calculations
MonJun 1015:30Huizheng Guo(Ali)From GKH to Incompressible surface
MonJun 0313:30Igor NikonovVirtual index cocycles and invariants of virtual links
MonMay 2715:30Романов Николай АлексеевичМозаики, замощения и их преобразования
MonMay 2015:30Scott BaldridgeWhy the Vertex Polynomial counts Tait colorings of a plane trivalent graph when evaluated at two
MonMay 1315:30Zhihao WangOn stated $SL(n)$-skein modules
MonMay 0615:30Александр Юрьевич БурякDR-иерархии: от пространств модулей кривых к интегрируемым системам.
MonApr 2915:30Igor NikonovOn universal parity on free two-dimensional knots
MonApr 2215:30Seongjeong KimInvariant of braids by using Ptolemy relation and failure for knots
MonApr 1515:30МногиеКонференция "Ломоносов"
MonApr 0815:30Igor M. NikonovOn biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid
MonMar 2515:45Helen WongMultiplication in Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a 1-hole torus
MonMar 1815:45Oleg StyrtElements of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations
MonMar 1115:30Igor NikonovFlat-virtual knot: introduction and some invariants
MonMar 0415:30Dmitry SolovyevUniversal construction, foams and link homology
MonFeb 2615:30Christoph SchillerFrom the three Reidemeister moves to the three Lie gauge groups – with consequences for the unification of physics
MonFeb 1915:30Igor NikonovOn biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid
MonFeb 1215:30Мороз Борис БарухГипотеза Римана и диофантовы уравнения
MonFeb 0515:30Seongjeong KimThe classification of knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of the small number of crossings
MonJan 2915:30Igor NikonovTraits of crossings and functorial maps
MonJan 2215:30Seongjeong KimThe groups $G_{n}^{3}$ and rhombi tilings of 2n-gons
MonJan 1515:30Visakh NarayananKnots in $\mathbb{R}P^3$
MonJan 0815:30Manpreet SinghInvariants of knots from biquandles and virtual biquandles
MonDec 2515:30Igor NikonovVirtual index cocycles and invariants of virtual links
MonDec 1815:30O.G. StyrtElements of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations
MonDec 1115:30Igor M. NikonovRota-Baxter operators and Hopf algebras
MonDec 0415:30Martinez-Garcia JesusModuli of Fano varieties via K-stability
MonNov 2715:30Scott CarterIntricacies about the binary icosahedral group
MonNov 2015:30Bao VuongReidemeister torsion of link complements in 3-torus
MonNov 1315:30Hayk SedrakyanDistance formula for a point inside a triangle (formula for a diagonal of any quadrilateral)
MonOct 3015:30Kevin WalkerA very general approach to TQFT state sums
MonOct 2315:30П. Н. ПиталОбобщенные факториалы и p-упорядочения
MonOct 0215:30Igor NikonovExamples of weight systems of framed chord diagrams
MonSep 2515:30Hongdae YunA note on geometric realization of extreme  Khovanov homology for some family of links
MonSep 1815:30Younes BenyahiaExotic 2-knots and 2-links in 4-manifolds.
MonSep 1115:30Igor NikonovPhotography principle, data transmission, and invariants of manifolds
MonSep 0415:30Dmitrii RachenkovQuasi-polynomial solutions of anharmonic oscillators
MonAug 2815:30Igor NikonovOn biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid
MonAug 2115:30Alina PavlikovaBipartite knots and its applications
MonAug 1415:30Ben McCartyn-Color Vertex Homology
MonAug 0715:30Lilya A. GrunwaldThe number of rooted forests in circulant graph
MonJul 3115:30TBATBA
MonJul 2415:30Dimitris KodokostasAn algorithmically computable complete invariant of knots
MonJul 1715:30Scott BaldridgeBigraded 2-color homology is not a variant of Khovanov homology!
MonJun 0715:30Andriy HaydysOn Fukaya-Seidel category and Khovanov homology
MonMay 1015:30Adam LowranceThe Jones polynomial, Khovanov homology, and Turaev genus
MonMay 0315:30Ivan ReshetnikovDiscontinuously basic sets and the 13th problem of Hilbert
MonApr 2615:30Ivan DynnikovA method for distingiushing Legendrian and transverse links
MonApr 1915:30Colin AdamsMulti-crossings and Petal Number for Classical and Virtual Knots
MonApr 1215:30Hyeran ChoDerivation of Schubert normal forms of 2-bridge knots from (1,1)-diagrams
MonMar 2915:30Svjetlana Terzi ́cToric topology of the Grassmann manifolds
MonMar 2215:30Mahender SinghSurface knot theory and related groups
MonMar 1515:30Byeorhi KimOn generalized quandle extensions of a quandle defined on a group
MonMar 0115:30M. KhovanovIntroduction to universal construction of topological theories
MonFeb 2215:30Th. Yu. PopelenskyQuaternionic conjugation spaces
MonFeb 1515:30Neha NandaAn excursion on doodles on surfaces and virtual twins
MonFeb 0815:30Manpreet SinghAlgebraic structures in knot theory
MonFeb 0115:30V.O. ManturovInvariants of free knots valued in free groups
MonJan 2515:30S. KimLinks in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ and its lifting
MonJan 1815:30Victoria LebedUnexpected applications of homotopical algebra to knot theory
MonJan 1115:30I.M. NikonovOn noncommutative geometry
MonDec 2815:30N. BogachevArithmetic and quasi-arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups
MonDec 2115:30L. KauffmanVirtual Knots, Index Polynomials and the Sawollek Polynomial
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