Geometry Webinar AmSur /AmSul

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differential geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Friday 17:00-18:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Geometria Diferencial Unicamp*
*contact for this listing

The Geometry Webinar AmSur/AmSul is promoted by differential geometry groups from Universities in Argentina and Brazil. The webinar happens weekly on Fridays at 14h00 (GMT-3) via Google Meet. Talks will be in Spanish, Portuguese or English. This virtual seminar aims to establish the contact with several research groups and mathematicians from Latin America. Everybody is invited to participate writing to the contact e-mail:

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Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriMar 1417:00Ronaldo FreireTBA
FriMar 2817:00Ana MenezesEigenvalue problems and free boundary minimal surfaces in spherical caps.
FriApr 1117:00Nicoletta TardiniTBA
FriMay 0917:00Jorge LauretTBA
FriMay 2317:00Brian GrajalesInhomogeneous Einstein metrics on complex projective spaces
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 0617:00Jason Lotay$G_2$-instantons, the heterotic $G_2$ system and generalized geometry
FriNov 2217:00Giovanni BazzoniG2 structures on nilmanifolds and their moduli spaces
FriNov 0817:00Roney SantosThe Ricci condition for warped metrics
FriOct 2517:00Emilio LauretIsospectral spherical space forms of highest volume
FriOct 1117:00Barbara NelliMinimal graphs with infinite boundary value in 3-manifolds
FriSep 2717:00Leonardo CavenaghiAtoms for stacks
FriSep 1317:00Andrey SoldatenkovLagrangian fibrations and degenerate twistor deformations
FriAug 3017:00Keti TenenblatClasses of nonlinear PDEs related to metrics of constant curvature
FriJun 2817:00Luigi VezzoniGeometric flows of Hermitian metrics on Lie groups
FriJun 1417:00Yamile GodoyTangent ray foliations and outer billiards
FriMay 3117:00Francisco VittoneNullity and Symmetry in homogeneous Spaces
FriMay 1717:00Yulia GorginyanQuaternionic-solvable hypercomplex nilmanifolds
FriMay 0317:00Jakob SteinInstantons on asymptotically local conical G2 metrics
FriApr 1917:00Alejandro TolcachierComplex solvmanifolds with holomorphically trivial canonical bundle
FriApr 0517:00Ernani Ribeiro Jr.Rigidity of compact quasi-Einstein manifolds with boundary
FriMar 2217:00João Henrique Santos de AndradeCompactness of singular solutions to the GJMS equation
FriMar 0817:00Andrei MoroianuWeyl structures with special holonomy on compact conformal manifolds
FriDec 0117:00Eveline LegendreThe Einstein-Hilbert functional in Kähler and Sasaki geometry
FriNov 1717:00Viviana del Barco$G_2$-instantons on nilpotent Lie groups
FriNov 0317:00Michael JablonskiReal semi-simple Lie algebras are determined by their Iwasawa subalgebras.
FriOct 2017:00Rayssa CajuConstant Q-curvature metrics
FriOct 0617:00Pedro GasparHeteroclinic solutions and a Morse-theoretic approach to an Allen-Cahn approximation of mean curvature flows
FriSep 2217:00Rafael MontezumaThe width of curves in Riemannian manifolds
FriAug 2517:00Mauro SubilsMagnetic trajectories on the Heisenberg group of dimension three
FriAug 1117:00Marcos SalvaiMaximal vorticity of sections of the orthonormal frame bundle via calibrations
FriJun 2317:00Giulia DileoSpecial classes of transversely Kähler almost contact metric manifolds
FriJun 0917:00Maria Laura BarberisComplex structures on $2$-step nilpotent Lie algebras
FriMay 2617:00Yang-Hui HeUniverses as BigData: Physics, Geometry and Machine-Learning
FriMay 1217:00Da Rong ChengExistence of free boundary constant mean curvature disks
FriApr 2817:00Daniel FadelOn the harmonic flow of geometric structures
FriApr 1417:00Lino GramaKähler-like scalar curvature on homogeneous spaces
FriMar 3117:00Ruy TojeiroInfinitesimally Bonnet bendable hypersurfaces
FriMar 1717:00Carlos OlmosTotally geodesic submanifolds of Hopf-Berger spheres
FriDec 0917:00Ilka AgricolaOn the geometry and the curvature of 3-(α, δ)-Sasaki manifolds
FriNov 1817:00Raquel VillacampaNilmanifolds: examples and counterexamples in geometry and topology
FriNov 0417:00Guillermo HenryIsoparametric foliations and solutions of Yamabe type equations on manifolds with boundary.
FriOct 2117:00Marcos OrigliaConformal Killing Yano $2$-forms on Lie groups
FriSep 2317:00Mario Garcia-FernándezNon-Kähler Calabi-Yau geometry and pluriclosed flow
FriSep 0917:00Ivan StruchinerLie groupoids and singular Riemannian foliations
FriAug 2617:00Luis FloritA Nash type theorem and extrinsic surgeries for positive scalar curvature
FriAug 1917:00Lucas AmbrozioZoll-like metrics in minimal surface theory
FriJul 2917:00Gregorio Pacelli BessaOn the mean exit time of cylindrically bounded submanifolds of $N\times \mathbb{R}$ with bounded mean curvature.
FriJul 0117:00Eder Moraes CorreaLevi-Civita Ricci-flat metrics on compact Hermitian Weyl-Einstein manifolds
FriJun 1717:00Luis J. AlíasMean curvature flow solitons in warped product spaces
FriJun 0317:00Gonçalo OliveiraSpecial Lagrangians and Lagrangian mean curvature flow
FriMay 2017:00Shubham DwivediAssociative submanifolds in Joyce's generalised Kummer construction
FriMay 0617:00Sueli I. R. CostaGeometry and information
FriApr 2217:00Andrés MorenoInvariant $G_2$-structures with free-divergence torsion tensor
FriApr 0817:00Romina M. ArroyoSKT structures on nilmanifolds
FriMar 2517:00Claudio GorodskiA diameter gap for isometric quotients of the unit sphere
FriDec 0417:00Simon SalamonLie groups and special holonomy
ThuNov 2617:00Paolo PiccioneMinimal spheres in ellipsoids
FriNov 2017:00María Amelia SalazarFundamentals of Lie theory for groupoids and algebroids
ThuNov 1217:00Matheus VieiraBiharmonic hypersurfaces in hemispheres
FriNov 0617:00Asun JiménezIsolated singularities of Elliptic Linear Weingarten graphs
ThuOct 2917:00Álvaro Krüger RamosExistence and non existence of complete area minimizing surfaces in $\mathbb{E}(-1,\tau)$.
FriOct 2317:00Anna FinoBalanced metrics and the Hull-Strominger system
ThuOct 1517:00Daniel FadelThe asymptotic geometry of G$_2$-monopoles
FriOct 0917:00Ivan StruchinerSingular Riemannian Foliations and Lie Groupoids
ThuOct 0117:00Mariel SaezShort-time existence for the network flow
FriSep 2517:00Mario Garcia-FernandezGeneralized Ricci flow
ThuSep 1717:00Lino GramaInvariant Einstein metrics on real flag manifolds
FriSep 1117:00Elizabeth GasparimGraft surgeries
ThuSep 0317:00Jason LotayDeformed G2-instantons
ThuAug 2017:00Daniel PonsNon Canonical Metrics on Diff($S^1$)
FriAug 1417:00Eduardo R. LongaSharp systolic inequalities for $3$-manifolds with boundary
ThuAug 0617:00Nicolau S. AiexCompactness of free boundary CMC surfaces
FriJul 3117:00Raquel PeralesConvergence of manifolds under volume convergence and uniform diameter and tensor bounds
ThuJul 2317:00Romina ArroyoThe prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on simple Lie groups
FriJul 1717:00Gregorio PacelliA stochastic half-space theorem for minimal surfaces of $\mathbb{R}^{3}$.
ThuJul 0917:00Emilio LauretDiameter and Laplace eigenvalue estimates for homogeneous Riemannian manifolds
FriJul 0317:00Umberto HryniewiczPseudo-holomorphic curves and applications to geodesic flows
ThuJun 2517:00Marcos Petrucio CavalcanteGap theorems for free-boundary submanifolds
FriJun 1917:00Viviana del Barco(Purely) coclosed G$_2$-structures on 2-step nilmanifolds
ThuJun 1117:00Mircea PetracheUniform measures of dimension 1
FriJun 0517:00John Alexander Cruz MoralesOn integrality for Frobenius manifolds
ThuMay 2817:00Lucas AmbrozioSystolic inequalities for minimal projective planes in Riemannian projective spaces
FriMay 2217:00Adrian AndradaAbelian almost contact structures and connections with skew-symmetric torsion
FriApr 2417:00Henrique Sa EarpHarmonic flow of geometric structures
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