Noncommutative geometry in NYC

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geometric topology number theory operator algebras representation theory

St Johns University - New York City

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 20:00-21:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Alexander A. Katz, Igor V. Nikolaev*
*contact for this listing

Noncommutative Geometry studies an interplay between spatial forms and algebras with non-commutative multiplication. Our seminar welcomes talks in Number Theory, Geometric Topology and Representation Theory linked to the context of Operator Algebras. All talks are kept at the entry-level accessible to the graduate students and non-experts in the field. To join us click (5 min in advance) and igor DOT v DOT nikolaev AT gmail DOT com to subscribe/unsubscribe for the mailing list, to propose a talk or to suggest a speaker. Pending speaker's consent, we record and publish all talks at the hyperlink "video" on speaker's profile at the "Past talks" section. The slides can be posted by providing the organizers with a link in the format "". The duration of talks is 1 hour plus or minus 10 minutes.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 2620:00Yuri BazlovCocycle twists of algebras, representations and orders
WedFeb 1920:00Noemie CombeQuantum Information Geometry and the Connes–Araki–Haagerup Cones
WedFeb 1220:00Jun YangThe Jacquet-Langlands correspondence of von Neumann dimensions over arithmetic groups
WedFeb 0520:00Eduardo ScarparoA tracial characterization of Furstenberg's x p, x q conjecture
WedJan 2920:00Robert YunckenCrystallizing the algebra of functions on a compact semisimple Lie group
WedDec 1120:00Damien TageddineNoncommutative geometry on the Berkovich projective line
WedDec 0420:00Aaron KettnerCuntz–Pimsner algebras of twisted partial automorphisms
WedNov 2721:00Meenakshi McNamaraThe exact quantum chromatic number of Hadamard graphs and their products
WedNov 1320:00Shuoxing ZhouNoncommutative topological boundaries and amenable invariant intermediate subalgebras
WedNov 0620:00Raphael PongeNoncommutative geometry and semiclassical analysis
WedOct 3019:00Jintao DengTwisted Roe Algebras and the Coarse Baum-Connes Conjecture
WedOct 2319:00Daniela Di DonatoRectifiability in Carnot groups
WedOct 1619:00Isaac GoldbringWhat is…model theory of operator algebras?
WedOct 0919:00Alistair MillerHomology and K-theory for self-similar group actions
WedOct 0219:00Valerio ProiettiElliott invariant in a geometric context
WedSep 2519:00Bora YalkinogluOn the discrete periodic Toda flow
WedSep 1819:00Bojan KuzmaBirkhoff-James orthogonality in normed vector spaces
WedSep 1119:00Alcides BussP-adic Operator Algebras
WedMay 2919:00Ralf MeyerClassification of Purely Infinite Graph C*-Algebras
TueMay 2119:00N. Christopher PhillipsMinicourse: An invitation to mean dimension of a dynamical system and the radius of comparison of its crossed product, III
TueMay 1419:00N. Christopher PhillipsMinicourse: An invitation to mean dimension of a dynamical system and the radius of comparison of its crossed product, II
TueMay 0719:00N. Christopher PhillipsMinicourse: An invitation to mean dimension of a dynamical system and the radius of comparison of its crossed product, I
WedMay 0119:00Changying DingOn Cartan subalgebras of $II_1$ factors arising from Bernoulli actions of weakly amenable groups
WedApr 2419:00Peter HochsThe equivariant Fried conjecture for suspension flow
WedApr 1719:00Mitch Hamidi$C^*$-extensions of non-self-adjoint dynamics
WedApr 1019:00Tatiana ShulmanOn almost commuting matrices
WedApr 0319:00Gisela TartagliaInduction of coactions for algebraic quantum groups
WedMar 2719:00Matt McBrideDerivations on Smooth Subalgebras
WedMar 2019:00Hannes ThielA gentle introduction to Cuntz semigroups, II
WedMar 1319:00Hannes ThielA gentle introduction to Cuntz semigroups, I
WedMar 0620:00Jesús A. Álvarez LópezA trace formula for foliated flows
WedFeb 2820:00Jacek KrajczokApproximation properties of discrete quantum groups
WedFeb 2120:00Ilnur BaibulovThe spectrum of the C*-algebra of singular integral operators with semi-almost periodic coefficients
WedFeb 1420:00Erik ChristensenFrom spectral triples in NCG to Grothendieck's inequalities in the theory of finite rank matrices
WedFeb 0720:00Damián FerraroCross-sectional C*-algebras of Fell bundles
WedJan 3120:00Matt McBrideCrossed Product C*-algebras Associated with p-Adic Multiplication
WedJan 2420:00Michael FrancisHolonomy and the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem in $b^k$-geometry
WedDec 0620:00Benjamin SteinbergSimplicity of inverse semigroup and etale groupoid algebras
WedNov 2920:00Michael SkeidePartial Isometries Between Hilbert Modules
WedNov 2220:00Vladimir ManuilovMetrics on doubles as an inverse semigroup
WedNov 1520:00Iason MoutzourisWhen amenable groups have real rank zero $C^*$-algebras?
WedNov 0119:00Jesse PetersonBiexact groups and von Neumann algebras
WedOct 2519:00N. Christopher PhillipsThe radius of comparison of C (X) is about half the covering dimension of X
WedOct 1819:00Wade BloomquistQuantum Traces and Degenerations
WedOct 1119:00Joakim ArnlindNoncommutative Riemannian Geometry of Kronecker Algebras
WedOct 0419:00Charlie BeilNonnoetherian geometry, noncommutative desingularizations, and quantum theory
WedSep 2719:00Pawel SarkowiczTensorially absorbing inclusions of C*-algebras
WedSep 2019:00Gihyun Lee$L_p$-bounds for pseudodifferential operators on curved noncommutative tori
WedSep 1319:00Arthur Pander MaatHilbert Modules over C*-categories
WedSep 0619:00Bernard RussoAnti-$C^*$-algebras
WedMay 2419:00Ulrich BunkeA homotopical view on $K$ and $KK$-theory for $C^{*}$-algebras
WedMay 1719:00Ali RaadInductive Limit Cartan Subalgebras
WedApr 2619:00Dimitris GerontogiannisSmale spaces and their dimension theory
WedApr 1919:00Elias G. KatsoulisIsomorphisms and stable isomorphisms of non-selfadjoint operator algebras
WedApr 1217:00Anar DosiProjective positivity of the function systems
WedMar 2919:00Alexei Yu. PirkovskiiNonformal deformations of algebras of holomorphic functions
WedMar 1519:00Severino T. MeloPseudodifferential operators in strict deformation quantization
WedMar 0820:00Christian VoigtInfinite quantum permutations
WedMar 0120:00Feodor KoganOverview of Cartan subalgebras in operator algebras
WedFeb 2220:00Marina ProkhorovaIndex theory of unbounded Fredholm operators
WedFeb 1520:00Christopher WulffGeneralized asymptotic algebras and E-theory for non-separable C*-algebras
WedFeb 0820:00Francesco D'AndreaCW structures in noncommutative geometry
WedFeb 0120:00Nikolai L. VasilevskiCommutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the disk: Spectral theorem approach
WedJan 2520:00Andre KornellCategories of Hilbert spaces
ThuJan 0514:00Shanna DobsonSix Operations on Diamond Topos
WedNov 3020:00Klaus ThomsenThe structure of KMS states for flows on an AF algebra
TueNov 1519:00Sergii BezuglyiDynamics and measures on generalized Bratteli diagrams
WedNov 0920:00Marcin MarciniakPositive maps on operator algebras – some problems and some solutions
WedNov 0219:00Shirly GeffenDynamical comparison of amenable actions by non-amenable groups.
WedOct 2619:00Gabor EtesiThe universal von Neumann algebra of smooth four-manifolds revisited
WedOct 1919:00Mario KlisseOn the isomorphism class of q-Gaussian C*-algebras
WedOct 1219:00Alexander FreiOperator algebras and quantum information: Connes implies Tsirelson and robust self-testing
WedOct 0519:00Victor NistorInvariant differential operators acting on quotient spaces and their index
WedSep 2819:00Julian KranzK-theory of noncommutative Bernoulli shifts
WedSep 2119:00Daniele AlessandriniNon commutative cluster coordinates for Higher Teichmüller Spaces
WedSep 1419:00Zhaoting WeiEquivariant K-theory on flag varieties of semisimple Lie groups
WedSep 0719:00Benton DuncanAbstract operator algebras and enveloping C*-algebras
WedJun 2919:00Kathryn McCormickHolomorphic subalgebras of $n$-homogeneous $C^*$-algebras
WedJun 1519:00Alexey KuzminIndex theory of hypoelliptic operators on Carnot manifolds
WedJun 0819:00Bhishan JacelonDynamical applications of C*-classification
WedJun 0119:00Sherry GongThe Novikov conjecture, operator K theory, and diffeomorphism groups
WedMay 2519:00Karen StrungAn introduction to C*-algebras, III
WedMay 1119:00Karen StrungAn introduction to C*-algebras, II
WedMay 0419:00Karen StrungAn introduction to C*-algebras, I
WedApr 2719:00Slawomir KlimekSmooth subalgebras in noncommutative geometry
WedApr 2019:00Mariusz TobolskiNoncommutative numerable principal bundles from group actions on C*-algebras
WedApr 1319:00Francesco FidaleoSpectral actions for q-particles and their asymptotic (Part II)
WedApr 0614:00Oleg Yu. AristovComplex analytic quantum groups
WedMar 3019:00Raphael PongeDixmier trace formulas and negative eigenvalues of Schroedinger operators on noncommutative tori
WedMar 2319:00Edward McDonaldLittlewood-Paley inequalities and other analytic issues in noncommutative Euclidean spaces
MonMar 1415:00Francesco FidaleoModular Spectral Triples and deformed Fredholm modules (Part I)
WedMar 0215:00Makoto YamashitaHomology and K-theory of dynamical systems
WedFeb 2320:00Damien RivetGeometric view of semisimple quantum groups representations
WedFeb 1620:00Ulrich PennigBundles of C*-algebras - An Introduction to Dixmier-Douady theory
WedFeb 0920:00Federico VigoloStrong ergodicity, projections and Markov operators
WedFeb 0220:00Yavar AbdolmalekiEquivariant KK-theory and its application in Index theory
WedDec 1520:00Priyanga GanesanSpectral bounds for chromatic number of quantum graphs
WedDec 0820:00Réamonn Ó BuachallaQuantum Root Vectors and a Dolbeault Double Complex for the A-Series Quantum Flag Manifolds
WedDec 0120:00Yifeng HuangPoint count of the variety of modules over the quantum plane over a finite field
WedNov 2420:00Xin MaFiberwise amenability and almost elementariness for étale groupoids
WedNov 1720:00Aaron TikuisisNuclear dimension and Z-stability of simple C*-algebras
WedNov 1020:00Vadim AlekseevGeometry of sofic approximations
WedNov 0319:00Gilles CastroKMS states for generalized gauge actions on C*-algebras associated with self-similar sets
WedOct 2719:00Andrey GlubokovCluster algebra and Jones polynomials
WedOct 2019:00Nicolas MonodType I, Gelfand pairs and Iwasawa decompositions
WedOct 1319:00Becky ArmstrongA uniqueness theorem for twisted groupoid C*-algebras
WedOct 0619:00Diego MartínezC* and geometric properties of inverse semigroups
WedSep 2919:00Tyrone CrispFrobenius C*-algebras and local adjunctions of C*-correspondences
WedSep 2219:00Jorge PlazasNoncommutative geometry of arithmetic groups
WedSep 1519:00Kevin BrixFlow equivalence and C*-algebras
WedSep 0819:00Laurent CantierClassification of unitary elements of a C*-algebra
WedSep 0119:00Lyudmila TurowskaMultipliers and Approximation Properties
WedAug 2519:00Stefan WagnerFactor systems as a computational framework for noncommutative principal bundles - with an application to Atiyah’s famous Lie algebra sequence
WedAug 1819:00Jens KaadExterior products of compact quantum metric spaces
WedAug 1119:00Timothy SchenkelRegular Ideals of Locally-Convex Kumjian-Pask Algebras
WedJul 2819:00Bernhard BurgstallerA kind of KK-theory of rings
WedJul 2119:00Scott SchmiedingFlow equivalence and mapping class groups for symbolic dynamical systems
WedJul 1419:00Fabio CiprianiOn a noncommutative Sierpiński gasket
WedJul 0719:00Pieter SpaasCohomological obstructions to lifting properties for full C*-algebras of property (T) groups
WedJun 3019:00Anne-Marie AubertStratified equivalences and Bernstein Center
WedJun 2319:00Shanna DobsonPro-Diamond and the Geometrization of Local Langlands
WedJun 1619:00Mitch HaslehurstRelative K-theory with applications to factor groupoids
WedJun 0919:00Francesc PereraTraces on ultrapower C*-algebras
WedJun 0219:00Alexander KatzOn real Sigma*-algebras
WedMay 2619:00Christian BonickeRegularity properties for ample groupoids and the type semigroup
WedMay 1915:00Alexandre AfgoustidisThe tempered dual of real or p-adic reductive groups, and its noncommutative geometry (joint work with Anne-Marie Aubert)
WedMay 1219:00Igor FulmanIntroduction to von Neumann Algebras, III
WedMay 0519:00Igor FulmanIntroduction to von Neumann Algebras, II
WedApr 2819:00Igor FulmanIntroduction to von Neumann Algebras, I
WedApr 2119:00Vasilisa ShramchenkoPoncelet theorem and Painlevé VI
WedApr 1419:00Alexander FreiRelative Cuntz-Pimsner algebras: Gauge-invariant uniqueness theorem and the lattice of gauge-invariant ideals
WedApr 0719:00Angel RomanThe Mackey bijection for reductive groups and continuous fields of reduced group C*-algebras
WedMar 3119:00Igor NikolaevQuantum dynamics of elliptic curves
WedMar 2419:00Yulia KuznetsovaQuantum semigroups, what is known or not
WedMar 1719:00Cédric ArhancetEntangling quantum information theory and Fourier multipliers on operator algebras
WedMar 1020:00Joakim ArnlindCurvature for a class of noncommutative minimal surfaces
WedMar 0320:00Daniel GonçalvesA generalization of shifts of finite type motivated by C*-algebra theory
WedFeb 2420:00Aristides KatavolosHarmonic functions, crossed products and approximation properties
WedFeb 1720:00Clément Dell'AieraDynamic asymptotic dimension and homology
WedFeb 1020:00Sylvie PaychaRegularised traces and Getzler’s rescaling revisited
WedFeb 0320:00Vrej ZarikianUnique Extension Properties for C*-Inclusions
WedJan 2720:00Matthew KennedyAmenability, proximality and higher order syndeticity
WedJan 2016:00Goncalo TabuadaNoncommutative Weil conjecture
WedDec 1620:00Marat MarkinOn the Smoothness of Weak Solutions of an Abstract Evolution Equation with a Scalar Type Spectral Operator
WedDec 0920:00Francesca AriciSU(2)-symmetries, exact sequences of C*-algebras and subproduct systems
WedDec 0220:00David JekelNon-commutative transport of measure
WedNov 2520:00Bram MeslandGabor frames and Wannier bases from groupoid Morita equivalences
WedNov 1820:00Andre KornellFinite quantum structures
WedNov 1120:00Nik WeaverQuantum graph theory
WedNov 0420:00Erik van ErpThe Heisenberg calculus, index theory, and cyclic cohomology
WedOct 2819:00Valentin DeaconuSymmetries of the $C^∗$-algebra of a vector bundle
WedOct 2119:00Gabor EtesiThe universal von Neumann algebra of smooth 4-manifolds with an application to gravity
WedOct 1419:00Maxim BravermanSpectral Flow of Toeplitz operators and bulk-edge correspondence
WedOct 0719:00Pierre ClareEssential representations of real reductive groups
WedSep 3019:00Cristian IvanescuThe Cuntz semigroup and the classification of separable amenable C*-algebras
WedSep 2319:00Sayan ChakrabortyMorita equivalence of noncommutative orbifolds
WedSep 1619:00Mahya GhandehariFourier algebras of the group of $\mathbb{R}$-affine transformations and a dual convolution
WedSep 0919:00Andrey GlubokovCluster Algebras and their applications to Index Theorem
WedSep 0219:00Toke Meier CarlsenCuntz-Krieger algebras, topological Markov shifts and groupoids
WedAug 2619:00Anton Yu. SavinA local index formula for metaplectic operators
WedAug 1919:00John QuiggBaum-Connes, coactions, and the Tilde Problem
WedAug 1219:00Robin DeeleyMinimal dynamical systems with prescribed K-theory
WedAug 0519:00Tushar DasThe Varieties of Discrete Experience, and Other Tales of Isometric Actions on Gromov Hyperbolic Metric Spaces
WedJul 2919:00Jerry KaminkerOdd analytic differential K-homology
WedJul 2219:00Haluk SengunSelberg's Trace Formula in operator K-theory
WedJul 1519:00Raphael PongeAnalysis on curved noncommutative tori
WedJul 0819:00Chris BruceC*-algebras from actions of congruence monoids
WedJul 0119:00Anna DuwenigNon-commutative Poincaré Duality of the irrational rotation algebra
WedJun 2419:00Jianchao WuThe Novikov conjecture, groups of diffeomorphisms, and infinite dimensional nonpositively curved spaces
WedJun 1719:00Sara AzzaliKK-theory with real coefficients, traces, and discrete group actions
WedJun 1019:00Menevse EryuzluEnchilada Categories
WedJun 0319:00Emil V ProdanIndex theorems in KK-theory
WedMay 2719:00Emil V ProdanCyclic co-homology, Fredholm modules, Kasparov’s generalizations
WedMay 2019:00Emil V ProdanThe C*-algebra of equivariant Hamiltonians over point patterns
WedMay 1319:00Branimir CacicGauge theory on quantum principal bundles
WedMay 0619:00Nicola CiccoliOrbit correspondence and groupoid C*-algebras
WedApr 2919:00Jim Tao 🇳🇴A twisted local index formula for curved noncommutative two tori
WedApr 2219:00Konrad AguilarQuantum metrics on the tensor product of a commutative C*-algebra and an AF C*-algebra.
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