Online Nottingham algebraic geometry seminar

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algebraic geometry combinatorics

University of Nottingham

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Alexander Kasprzyk*, Johannes Hofscheier*, Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi
*contact for this listing

Online geometry seminar, typically held on Thursday. This seminar takes place online via Microsoft Teams on the Nottingham University "Algebraic Geometry" team.

For recordings of past talks, copies of the speaker's slides, or to be added to the Team, please visit the seminar homepage at:

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMay 2309:00Inder KaurExamples of varieties satisfying multiplicative Chow-Kunneth decomposition
ThuMay 0909:00Mingchen XiaPartial Okounkov bodies and toric geometry
ThuApr 1809:00Andrés Jaramillo PuentesExamples of Enumerative Problems for Arbitrary Fields
ThuApr 0409:00Elena DenisovaFamily 3-5 and $\delta$-invariant of polarized del Pezzo surfaces
ThuMar 2810:00Eduardo da SilvaLog Calabi-Yau geometry and Cremona maps
ThuFeb 2915:00Lisa MarquandThe defect of a cubic threefold
ThuFeb 0110:00Annamaria OrtuModuli of stable fibrations
ThuJan 2510:00Calla TschanzExpansions for Hilbert schemes of points on semistable degenerations
ThuJan 1816:00Swaraj Sridhar PardeA Frobenius version of Tian's alpha invariant, and the F-signature of Fano varieties
ThuDec 1416:00Kimoi KemboiExceptional collections and window categories
ThuDec 0710:00Haidong LiuOn Miyaoka type and Kawamata-Miyaoka type inequalities
ThuNov 3015:00Jennifer LiOn the cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau mirrors of Fano 3-folds
ThuNov 2315:00Thibaut DelcroixFano spherical varieties of small dimension and rank
ThuNov 1616:00Chengxi WangFano varieties with extreme behavior
FriNov 1015:00Lena JiSymmetries of Fano varieties
ThuOct 2609:00Kathlén KohnRolling-shutter cameras & Kummer's classification of order-one line congruences
ThuOct 1914:00Carl LianCounting curves on P^r
ThuOct 1214:00Yuchen LiuModuli of boundary polarized Calabi-Yau pairs
ThuOct 0514:00Nawaz SultaniGromov-Witten theory of non-convex complete intersections
ThuSep 2814:00Mikhail OvcharenkoModularity of Landau-Ginzburg models
ThuSep 2109:00Theodoros PapazachariouOn divisorial stability of finite covers
ThuSep 1414:00Deniz GenlikHigher genus Gromov-Witten theory of C^n/Z_n: Holomorphic anomaly equations and crepant resolution
ThuSep 0709:00Mauro PortaCategorified Beauville-Laszlo theorem (and related problems)
ThuAug 3110:00Yalong CaoFrom curve counting on Calabi-Yau 4-folds to quasimaps for quivers with potentials
ThuAug 2409:00Livia CampoFlags on Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces
ThuAug 1009:00Nawaz SultaniGromov-Witten theory of Non-Convex Complete Intersections
ThuAug 0314:00Alex MassarentiOn the (uni)rationality problem for quadric bundles and hypersurfaces
ThuJul 2709:00Andres Fernandez HerreroHarder-Narasimhan theory for gauged maps
ThuJul 2009:00Sokratis ZikasOn connected algebraic subgroups of groups of birational transformations
ThuJul 1314:00Junyan ZhaoModuli of curves of genus 6 and K-stability
ThuJul 0614:00Bruno SuzukiBirationally equivalent Landau-Ginzburg models on cotangent bundles and adjoint orbits
ThuJun 2209:00Alexander EsterovBernstein-Kouchnirenko-Khovanskii with a symmetry
ThuJun 0109:00Fei SiK-moduli space of del Pezzo surface pairs
ThuMay 2514:00Kelly JabbuschThe minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds
ThuMay 1809:00Antonio TrusianiA relative Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture and stability thresholds
ThuMay 1114:00Daniel BatesNumerical methods for working with polynomial systems
ThuMay 0409:00Chuyu ZhouOn wall crossing for K-stability with multiple boundaries
ThuApr 2709:00Aline ZanardiniPencils of plane cubics revisited
ThuApr 2009:00Lukas BraunReductive quotients of klt varieties
ThuApr 1314:00Louis EsserAutomorphisms of weighted projective hypersurfaces
WedApr 1209:00Maria Gioia CifaniReconstructing curves from their Hodge classes
ThuMar 2310:00Francesca ZaffalonToric degenerations of partial flag varieties via matching fields and combinatorial mutations
FriMar 1710:00Bernd SiebertToward the logarithmic Hilbert scheme
ThuMar 1615:00Stefano UrbinatiMori Dream Pairs and C^*-actions
ThuMar 0910:00Tom DucatQuartic surfaces up to volume preserving equivalence
ThuMar 0210:00Ayush Kumar TewariForbidden patterns in tropical planar curves and panoptigons
WedFeb 2210:00Fenglong YouRelative quantum cohomology under birational transformations
ThuFeb 1614:00Duc-Khanh NguyenA generalization of the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for $K$-$k$-Schur and $k$-Schur functions
ThuFeb 0910:00Iacopo BrivioInvariance of plurigenera and KSBA moduli in positive and mixed characteristic
ThuFeb 0210:00Yaoxiong WenMirror symmetry for the parabolic G-Higgs bundle, from local to global
ThuJan 2610:00Lucie DeveyStability of toric vector bundles in terms of parliaments of polytopes
ThuDec 0810:00Tiago Duarte GuerreiroOn toric Sarkisov Links from P^4
MonNov 2810:00Rob SilversmithCross-ratios and perfect matchings
ThuNov 1710:00Vasiliki PetrotouTom & Jerry triples and the 4-intersection unprojection formats
ThuNov 1015:00Joey PalmerIntegrable systems with S^1-actions and the associated polygons
ThuNov 0310:00Julia SchneiderBirational maps of Severi-Brauer surfaces, with applications to Cremona groups of higher rank
ThuOct 2009:00Alex AbreuWall-crossing of Brill-Noether cycles in compactified Jacobians
ThuOct 1308:30Luca UgagliaSeshadri constants of toric surfaces
ThuOct 0609:00Aimeric MalterA derived equivalence of the Libgober-Teitelbaum and Batyrev-Borisov mirror constructions
ThuSep 2909:00Luca TasinSasaki-Einstein metrics on spheres
ThuSep 2209:00Gianluca OcchettaMaximal disjoint Schubert cycles in Rational Homogeneous spaces
ThuSep 1514:00Nathan ReadingScatter, cluster, scatter, model
ThuSep 0113:00Alfredo Nájera ChávezNewton–Okounkov bodies and minimal models of cluster varieties
ThuAug 2509:00Tristan HübschLaurent Smoothing, Turin Degenerations and Mirror Symmetry
ThuAug 1113:00Felipe EspreaficoGauss-Manin Connection in Disguise and Mirror Symmetry
ThuAug 0409:00Swarnava MukhopadhyayGraph potentials and mirrors of moduli of rank two bundles on curves
ThuJul 2809:00Luca SchafflerBoundary divisors in the compactification by stable surfaces of moduli of Horikawa surfaces
ThuJul 2109:00Pierrick BousseauFock–Goncharov dual cluster varieties and Gross–Siebert mirrors
ThuJul 1409:00Léonard Pille-SchneiderDegenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds and integral affine geometry
FriJul 0809:00Chen JiangExplicit boundedness of canonical Fano 3-folds
ThuJul 0709:00Elisa PostinghelThe geometry of Weyl orbits on blow-ups of projective spaces
ThuJun 3009:00Chen JiangRESCHEDULED TO 8 JULY: Explicit boundedness of canonical Fano 3-folds
ThuJun 2309:00Andreas BäuerleGorenstein Fano 3-folds of Picard number 1 with a 2-torus action
ThuMay 2609:00Fei XieResidual categories of quadric surface bundles
ThuMay 1913:00Kiumars KavehBuildings as classifying spaces for toric principal bundles
ThuMay 1209:00Noah ArbesfeldDescendent series for Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
ThuMay 0509:00Veronica FantiniEnumerative geometry in the extended tropical vertex group
ThuApr 2814:00Nikolaos TsakanikasOn the existence of minimal models for generalized pairs
ThuApr 2109:00Nivedita ViswanathanOn K-stability of some singular del Pezzo surfaces
ThuApr 1409:00Zakarias Sjöström DyrefeltConstant scalar curvature and Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle
ThuApr 0709:00Jeff HicksRealizing tropical curves via mirror symmetry
ThuApr 0708:30Jeff HicksMirror Symmetry and Lagrangian torus fibrations
ThuMar 3109:00Franco RotaFull exceptional collection for anticanonical log del Pezzo surfaces
ThuMar 2411:00Egor YasinskyBirational involutions of the projective plane
ThuMar 1710:00Alessio BorzìWeierstrass sets on finite graphs
ThuMar 0310:00Qaasim ShafiLogarithmic Toric Quasimaps
ThuFeb 2410:00Jarosław BuczyńskiFujita vanishing, sufficiently ample line bundles, and cactus varieties
ThuFeb 1010:00Ananyo DanMcKay correspondence for isolated Gorenstein singularities
ThuFeb 0310:00Wendelin LutzA geometric proof of the classification of T-polygons
ThuJan 2710:00Florin AmbroOn Seshadri constants
ThuJan 2010:00Marvin HahnThe tropical geometry of monotone Hurwitz numbers
ThuJan 1313:00Arina VoorhaarOn the Newton Polytope of the Morse Discriminant
WedDec 0814:00Eleonore FaberMatrix factorizations for discriminants of pseudo-reflection groups
ThuNov 2510:00Ana Ros CamachoComputational aspects in orbifold equivalence
ThuNov 1813:00Nicholas AndersonPaving tropical ideals
ThuNov 1113:00Diana Torres ValenciaCANCELLED - On accumulation points of volumes of stable surfaces with one cyclic quotient singularity
ThuNov 0410:00Fatemeh MohammadiCANCELLED - Matroid stratifications of hypergraph determinantal varieties and their realization spaces
ThuOct 2809:00Andrea BriniQuantum geometry of log-Calabi Yau surfaces
ThuOct 2109:00Anne-Sophie KaloghirosThe Calabi problem for Fano 3-folds
ThuOct 1410:00Alastair CrawHyperpolygon spaces: beyond the movable cone
ThuOct 0709:00Tom CoatesRigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials
ThuSep 3009:00Julius GieslerKanev and Todorov type surfaces in toric 3-folds
ThuSep 2315:00Nicolas AddingtonHodge number are not derived invariants in positive characteristic
ThuSep 1613:00Nikita NikolaevAbelianisation of Meromorphic Connections
ThuSep 0215:00Hunter SpinkLog-concavity of matroid h-vectors and mixed Eulerian numbers
ThuAug 2609:00DongSeon HwangCascades of singular rational surfaces of Picard number one
ThuAug 1209:00Ollie ClarkeCombinatorial mutations and block diagonal polytopes
ThuAug 0512:00Dhruv RanganathanToric contact cycles in the moduli space of curves
ThuJul 2913:00Matthias NickelLocal positivity and effective Diophantine approximation
ThuJul 2215:00Kristin DeVlemingK moduli of quartic K3 surfaces
ThuJul 1512:00Sergey GalkinGraph potentials and combinatorial non-abelian Torelli
ThuJul 0814:00Chengxi WangVarieties of general type with small volume
ThuJul 0113:00Pedro MonteroOn the liftability of the automorphism group of smooth hypersurfaces of the projective space
ThuJun 2409:00Yusuke NakajimaCombinatorial mutations and deformations of dimer models
ThuJun 1712:00Laura EscobarWall-crossing phenomenon for Newton-Okounkov bodies
ThuJun 1009:00Anne LonjouAction of Cremona groups on CAT(0) cube complexes
ThuJun 0312:00Martin UlirschParabolic Higgs bundles on toric varieties
ThuMay 2709:00Helge RuddatPolytopes, periods, degenerations
ThuMay 2009:00Hannah MarkwigCounting bitangents of plane quartics - tropical, real and arithmetic
ThuMay 1315:00Roger CasalsPositroid links and braid varieties
WedMay 0514:00Travis MandelQuantum theta bases for quantum cluster algebras
ThuApr 2909:00Michael WemyssJacobi algebras on the two-loop quiver and applications
ThuApr 2212:00Ben WormleightonA tale of two widths: lattice and Gromov
ThuApr 1512:00Johannes NordstromExtra-twisted connected sum $G_2$-manifolds
ThuApr 0809:00Tim GräfnitzTropical correspondence for smooth del Pezzo log Calabi-Yau pairs
ThuApr 0112:00Jiarui FeiTropical $F$-polynomials and Cluster Algebras
ThuMar 2510:00Michał KapustkaNikulin orbifolds
ThuMar 1810:00Taro SanoConstruction of non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds by log deformations
ThuMar 1113:00Diane MaclaganToric and tropical Bertini theorems in arbitrary characteristic
ThuMar 0410:00Fatemeh RezaeeWall-crossing does not induce MMP
ThuFeb 1810:00Francesco ZucconiFujita decomposition and Massey product for fibered varieties
ThuFeb 1111:00Enrica MazzonNon-archimedean approach to mirror symmetry and to degenerations of varieties
ThuFeb 0410:00Pieter BelmansHochschild cohomology of partial flag varieties and Fano 3-folds
ThuJan 2810:00Matej FilipThe miniversal deformation of an affine toric Gorenstein threefold
ThuJan 2110:00Michel Van GarrelStable maps to Looijenga pairs
ThuJan 1415:00Lawrence BarrottLog geometry and Chow theory
ThuDec 1016:30Christopher EurTautological bundles of matroids
ThuDec 0313:30Timothy MageeConvexity in tropical spaces and compactifications of cluster varieties
ThuNov 2613:30Okke van GarderenRefined Donaldson-Thomas theory of threefold flops
FriNov 2010:00Ana Peón-NietoPure codimensionality of wobbly bundles
ThuNov 1910:00Naoki FujitaNewton-Okounkov bodies arising from cluster structures
ThuNov 1213:30Arkadij BojkoOrientations for DT invariants on quasi-projective Calabi-Yau $4$-folds
WedNov 1110:00Enrico FatighentiFano varieties from homogeneous vector bundles
ThuNov 0513:30Federico BarbacoviUnderstanding the flop-flop autoequivalence using spherical functors
ThuOct 2915:00Catherine CannizzoTowards global homological mirror symmetry for genus 2 curves
ThuOct 2214:00Tyler KellyWhat is an exoflop?
ThuOct 1512:00Daniel KaplanExceptional collections for invertible polynomials using VGIT
WedOct 0713:00Hiroshi IritaniQuantum cohomology of blow-ups: a conjecture
ThuOct 0114:00Maxim SmirnovResidual categories of Grassmannians
ThuSep 2414:00Navid NabijouDegenerating tangent curves
ThuSep 1709:00Ronan TerpereauActions of connected algebraic groups on rational 3-dimensional Mori fibrations
ThuSep 1015:00Lara BossingerFamilies of Gröbner degenerations, Grassmannians, and universal cluster algebras
FriSep 0414:00Andrew HarderLog symplectic pairs and mixed Hodge structures
ThuSep 0314:00Renato ViannaSharp ellipsoid embeddings and almost-toric mutations
ThuAug 2712:30Andrea Petracci$K$-moduli stacks and $K$-moduli spaces are singular
ThuAug 2013:00Man-Wai "Mandy" CheungPolytopes, wall crossings, and cluster varieties
ThuAug 1315:00Nathan IltenType D associahedra are unobstructed
ThuAug 0609:00Yang-Hui HeUniverses as Big Data: Superstrings, Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Machine-Learning
ThuJul 3014:00Benjamin BraunThe integer decomposition property and Ehrhart unimodality for weighted projective space simplices
FriJul 2415:00Elana KalashnikovConstructing Laurent polynomial mirrors for quiver flag zero loci
ThuJul 1612:30Hendrik SüßNormalised volumes of singularities
WedJul 1509:00Chris LazdaA Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich criterion for $K3$ surfaces
WedJul 0812:30Ed SegalSemi-orthogonal decompositions and discriminants
ThuJul 0212:30Gregory SmithGeometry of smooth Hilbert schemes
TueJun 3009:00Chen JiangExplicit boundedness of canonical Fano 3-folds
ThuJun 2509:00Klaus AltmannDisplaying the cohomology of toric line bundles
ThuJun 1812:30Leonid MoninInversion of matrices, a $\C^*$ action on Grassmannians and the space of complete quadrics
ThuJun 1109:00Karin SchallerPolyhedral divisors and orbit decompositions of normal affine varieties with torus action
ThuJun 0412:30Giuliano GagliardiThe Manin-Peyre conjecture for smooth spherical Fano varieties of semisimple rank one
ThuMay 2809:00Tom SutherlandMirror symmetry for Painlevé surfaces
ThuMay 2112:30Jesús Martinez GarciaThe moduli continuity method for log Fano pairs
TueMay 1913:00Tim LogvinenkoSkein-triangulated representations of generalised braids
ThuMay 1409:00Alan ThompsonThreefolds fibred by sextic double planes
WedMay 1312:00Tom DucatA Laurent phenomenon for $\mathrm{OGr}(5,10)$ and explicit mirror symmetry for the Fano $3$-fold $V_{12}$
WedMay 0609:00Livia CampoOn a high pliability quintic hypersurface
ThuApr 3008:30Florian KohlUnconditional Reflexive Polytopes
ThuApr 2312:00Tim LogvinenkoCANCELLED - Skein-triangulated representations of generalised braids
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