Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

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Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Thursday 15:00-16:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Alexey Karapetyants, Vladislav Kravchenko, Tatiana Andreeva*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 2015:00Adrian Vladimir Sotomayor AguirreOn the formulation of a Bäcklund transformation in the Wahlquist-Estabrook sense for extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation
ThuMar 0615:00Nikolaos PallikarakisTBA
ThuMar 2015:00Sergey Igorevich KabanikhinTBA
ThuApr 0315:00Luigi RodinoTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 0615:00Ravshan AshurovOn a new formulation of the inverse problem of determining the order of fractional derivatives in partial differential equations
ThuJan 0915:00Roland DuduchavaConvolution integro-differential equations on Lie groups, Generic Bessel Potential Spaces and fundamental solutions
ThuDec 2615:00Kusraeva ZalinaOn analytical representation of homogeneous polynomials on spaces of measurable functions
ThuDec 1215:00Chechkin GrigoryOn the Boyarsky-Meyers estimates
ThuNov 2815:00Joel Esteban RestrepoNon-local abstract integro-differential equations
ThuNov 1415:00Fritz GesztesyThe generalized eigenvalue problem for the classical Euler differential equation and Meijer's G-function
ThuOct 3115:00Sergey BobkovRefinements of Berry–Esseen Inequalities in Terms of Lyapunov Coefficients
ThuOct 1715:00Tuncer AcarWeighted Approximations by Sampling-type Series
ThuOct 0315:00Arran FernandezFractional calculus with respect to functions: historical overview, transmutation relations, and generalizations
ThuSep 0515:00Sabine BoegliOn the discrete eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials
ThuJul 2515:00Stefan IvkovicOn various classes of hypercyclic and topologically transitive operators on Banach spaces
ThuJul 1115:00Erdal KarapinarSome remarks on the recent publications in the metric fixed point theory
ThuJun 2715:00Ramon G. PlazaInstability theory of stationary kink and anti-kink profiles for the sine-Gordon equation on a Y-junction graph
ThuJun 1315:00Victor KovtunenkoWell-posedness of the governing equations for quasi-linear viscoelastic model with pressure-dependent moduli in which both stress and strain appear linearly
ThuMay 3015:00Amar DebboucheSolvability and Mittag–Leffler stability analysis for time fractional partial differential equations
ThuMay 1615:00The Tuan HoangSeparation of solutions and the attractivity of fractional-order positive linear delay systems with variable coefficients
ThuMay 0215:00Milos ArsenovicGradient estimates for harmonic and generalized harmonic functions
ThuApr 1815:00Andrey MuravnikThe Cauchy problem for parabolic differential-difference equations: integral representations of solutions and their long-time behavior
ThuApr 0415:00Alexander SkubachevskiiOn smoothness of generalized eigenfunctions for differential-difference operators
ThuMar 2115:00Igor AndrianovMathematical Models in Pure and Applied Mathematics
ThuMar 0715:00Vladimir NazaikinskiiSemiclassical asymptotics on stratified manifolds
ThuFeb 2215:00Andrey LebedevHow to calculate the roots of an arbitrary polinomial
ThuFeb 0815:00Oleg AvsyankinOn algebras generated by integral operators with homogeneous kernels
ThuJan 2515:00Fernando León-SaavedraMinimal commutant and double commutant property for analytic Toeplitz operators
ThuJan 1115:00Sergei KonyaginOn the norm of the Riesz projection from L∞ to Lp
ThuDec 2815:00Francisco Javier García PachecoOn the Bishop-Phelps property
ThuDec 1415:00Boris OsilenkerOrthogonal polynomials. Fourier series in orthogonal polynomials. Trace formula and asymptotics of Forsythe determinant.
ThuNov 3015:00Yana KinderknechtSubordination principle, stochastic solutions and Feynman-Kac formulae for generalized time fractional evolution equations
ThuNov 1615:00Nicola ArcozziBi-parameter Potential theory and some applications to holomorphic spaces
ThuNov 0215:00Armen JerbashianOn the theory of functions of omega-bounded type
ThuOct 1915:00Shiryaev AlbertOn direct and inverse Kolmogorov equations for purely jump-like Markov processes and their generalizations
ThuOct 0515:00Jussi BehrndtThe Landau Hamiltonian with delta-potentials supported on curves
ThuSep 2115:00Barry SimonA Tale of Three Coauthors: Comparison of Ising Models
ThuSep 0715:00Ernani Ribeiro JúniorOn Hitchin-Thorpe inequality for four-dimensional compact Ricci solitons
ThuJul 2715:00Suheil KhouryFixed-point theory and Green’s functions for the solution of DEs: An iterative strategy
ThuJul 1315:00Jim ByrnesThe Energy Spreading PONS Transform and its Applications
ThuJun 2915:00Mohammad Sal MoslehianHilbert C*-module independence
ThuJun 1515:00Ari LaptevA survey on current results in Theory of Lieb-Thirring inequalities
ThuJun 0115:00Wolfgang LuskyToeplitz operators and Bergman projections on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions
ThuMay 1815:00Taimanov IskanderFormation of singularities of two-dimensional soliton equations represented by L,A,B-triples
ThuMay 0415:00Daniel GirelaSuperposition operators on spaces of analytic functions
ThuApr 2015:00Pavel DubovskiQuasi-Bessel equations: existence and hyper-dimensionality
ThuApr 0615:00Mark LawrencePartially holomorphic functions in several variables
ThuMar 2315:00Sören KraußharA theory of reproducing Hardy and Bergman spaces in octonionic settings
ThuMar 0915:00Isroil A. IkromovOn the sharp estimates for convolution operators with oscillatory kernel
ThuFeb 2315:00Richard M. AronInvestigation of common properties of Lip and H∞ functions (preliminary report)
ThuFeb 0915:00Eravimangalam Krishnan NarayananToeplitz operators on quotient domains
ThuJan 2615:00Fedorovskiy KonstantinBianalytic polynomial approximations, Nevanlinna domains and univalent functions in model spaces
ThuJan 1215:00Kim Tuan VuMulti-term fractional integro-differential equations in power growth function spaces
ThuDec 2215:00Pavel KurasovOn spectral theory of metric graphs
ThuDec 0815:00Grigori RozenblumDiscrete spectrum of polynomially compact pseudodifferential operators and applications to the Neumann-Poincare operator in 3D elasticity
ThuNov 2415:00Evgeny PanovOn solutions of a multi-phase Stefan-Riemann problem
ThuNov 1015:00Vol'pert VitaliiDo biological species exist as mathematical solutions?
ThuOct 2715:00Praveen AgarwalExtended Fractional Hypergeometric Function and Applications
ThuOct 1315:00Alexey Kanel-BelovDistance between two subsets of a unit-volume convex body
ThuSep 2915:00Xiao-Jun YangOn the theory of the subtrigonometric functions
ThuSep 1515:00Viacheslav YurkoInverse Spectral Problems for Differential Operators
ThuSep 0115:00Alexei RybkinNorming constants of embedded bound states and bounded positon solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation
ThuJul 2115:00Adolf MirotinTo the Spectral Theory of Hausdorff Operators
ThuJul 0715:00Vladimir ProtasovMultivariate approximation and one problem of combinatorial number theory
ThuJun 2315:00Oleg KudryavtsevA Simple Wiener-Hopf factorization method for pricing options with barriers in Levy-driven models
ThuJun 0915:00Simakov SergeyMultiscale modeling of cardiovascular system
ThuMay 2615:00Serov ValeriyRecovery singularities in quasi-linear biharmonic operator
ThuMay 1215:00Dobrokhotov SergeySemiclassical Approximation with Compex Phases for Constructing Effective Plancherel-Rotach type asymptotics of 1-D and 2-D orthogonal polynomials
ThuApr 2815:00Bondarenko NatalyaInverse spectral problem for the matrix Sturm-Liouville operator
ThuApr 1415:00Armen SergeevMathematical problems in the theory of topological insulators
ThuMar 3115:00Viktor BurenkovAn analogue of Young's inequality for convolutions for general Morrey-type spaces
ThuMar 1715:00Dmitry MillionschikovCharacteristic Lie algebra of Klein-Gordon equation and higher symmetries
ThuMar 0315:00Massimo Lanza de CristoforisNonlinear composition operators in generalized Morrey spaces
ThuFeb 1715:00Sergei GrudskyAsymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Toeplitz matrices
ThuFeb 0315:00Maria SkopinaWavelet Approximation in Orlicz Spaces
ThuJan 2015:00Carsten TrunkPerturbations of periodic Sturm-Liouville operators
ThuJan 0615:00Luis Octavio SilvaTBA
ThuDec 2315:00Yuri LuchkoSubordination principle for the space-time-fractional diffusion equations
ThuDec 0915:00Tuncay AktosunInverse scattering for the half line matrix Schrödinger operator
ThuNov 2515:00Lars-Erik PerssonTBA
ThuNov 1115:00Swanhild BernsteinDirac-type operators and applications
ThuOct 2815:00Vladimir MityushevRiemann-Hilbert problem for a multiply connected domain and its applications to the effective properties of 2D random composites
ThuOct 1415:00Roman NovikovThe Gelfand-Krein-Levitan problem and passive imaging
ThuSep 3015:00Ricardo Abreu BlayaSets of uniqueness for inframonogenic functions
ThuSep 1615:00Laurent BaratchartTBA
ThuSep 0215:00Elijah LiflyandWiener algebras and trigonometric series in a coordinated fashion
ThuJul 2215:00Ferenc WeiszHigher dimensional summability and Lebesgue points
ThuJun 2415:00Lars DieningElliptic equations with degenerate weights
ThuJun 1015:00Winfried SickelOn the regularity of characteristic functions
ThuMay 2715:00Konstantin DyakonovFewnomials in L^1 and their geometry
ThuMay 1315:00Maxim ZinchenkoNonlinear Fourier Analysis
ThuApr 2915:00Michael RuzhanskyNonharmonic pseudo-differential analysis
ThuApr 1515:00Tibor K. PogányHilbert-type inequalities with non-homogeneous kernel: another view
ThuApr 0115:00Lubos PickOn fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
ThuMar 1815:00Helmuth MalonekA Sturm-Liouville equation on the crossroads of discrete and continuous hypercomplex analysis
ThuMar 0415:00Humberto Rafeiro and Stefan SamkoGrand Lebesgue space for p=∞ and applications or a new life of a 36 years old result of Nikolay Karapetyants and Boris Rubin
ThuFeb 1815:00Volker MehrmannEnergy based modeling, simulation and optimization of multiphysics systems
ThuFeb 0415:00Sundaram ThangaveluOn the decay of spectral projections associated to Laplacians on certain Riemannian manifolds
ThuNov 1215:00Mark AgranovskyFunk-Radon transforms
ThuOct 2915:00Ricardo WederDispersive Estimates for Schrodinger Equations
ThuOct 1515:00Luca ZampogniSome results on the inverse spectral theory for the Sturm-Liouville operator on the line
ThuOct 0115:00Alexander NazarovSome inequalities for fractional Laplacians
ThuAug 0614:00Natasha SamkoIntegrability properties of integral transforms via Morrey spaces
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