NYU CDS Math and Democracy Seminar

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New York University

Audience: General audience
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Ben Blum-Smith*, Jonathan Niles-Weed
*contact for this listing

The Math and Democracy Seminar features research on contact points between the mathematical sciences and the structure of democratic society. The purpose of the seminar is to stimulate mathematical activity on problems relating to democracy, and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematicians and other scholars and democratic stakeholders.

Examples of topics of interest include detection of gerrymandering, fairness and accountability of algorithms used in social decision-making, voting and apportionment theory, applications of statistics to discrimination law and the census, and mathematical modeling of democratic processes. The scope is not limited to these and is expected to expand as further applications emerge.

Seminars currently conducted via Zoom (with some events also in person). Look for links in individual talk descriptions.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 2422:30Lalitha SankarUnderstanding Last Layer Retraining Methods for Fair Classification: Theory and Algorithms
MonMay 1321:30Cory McCartanEstimating Racial Disparities When Race is Not Observed
MonMay 0621:30Abigail Hickok and Mason PorterTopological Data Analysis of Voting-Site Coverage
WedDec 1322:30Sam WangDimensionality reduction reveals dependence of voter polarization on political context
MonNov 0622:45Ranthony Edmonds and Parker EdwardsQuantifying Communities of Interest in Electoral Redistricting
MonApr 2421:30Sunoo ParkScan, Shuffle, Rescan: Two-Prover Election Audits With Untrusted Scanners
MonMar 0622:30Marion CampisiThe Geometry and Election Outcome (GEO) Metric
MonDec 0522:30Sunoo ParkCANCELED: Scan, Shuffle, Rescan: Two-Prover Election Audits With Untrusted Scanners
MonNov 2122:30Jayshree SarathyDistrust in Noisy Numbers: Epistemic Disconnects Surrounding the Use of Differential Privacy in the 2020 U.S. Census
MonNov 0722:30Jennifer Wilson / David McCuneRanked Choice Voting and the Spoiler Effect
MonMar 2821:30Ana-Andreea StoicaDiversity and inequality in social networks
MonMar 0722:30Daryl DeFordPartisan Dislocation, Competitivenes, and Designing Ensembles for Redistricting Analysis
MonDec 1322:30Greg HerschlagQuantifying Gerrymandering: Advances in Sampling Graph Partitions from Policy-Driven Measures
MonNov 2222:30Ben Blum-SmithFair-division approaches to redistricting
MonNov 0121:30Jeanne Clelland and Beth MalmskogColorado in Context: A case study in mathematics and fair redistricting in Colorado
MonOct 0421:30Thomas WeighillThe Topology of Redistricting
MonMay 1021:30Hakeem AnguluThe Voting Power Gap: Identifying Racial Gerrymandering with a Discrete Voter Model
MonApr 2621:30Mike OrrisonVoting and Linear Algebra: Connections and Questions
MonMar 2921:30Tina Eliassi-RadWhat can Complexity Science do for Democracy?
MonMar 0822:30Kate StarbirdOnline Misinformation during Crisis Events: The “Perfect Storm” of Covid19 and Election2020
MonDec 0722:30Ariel ProcacciaDemocracy and the Pursuit of Randomness
MonOct 2621:30Audrey MalagonVotes of Confidence: Leveraging Mathematics to Ensure Election Integrity
MonOct 0521:30Momin MalikA hierarchy of limitations in machine learning
WedApr 2921:30Solon BarocasWhat Is a Proxy and Why Is it a Problem?
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