Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Thu | Mar 06 | 13:30 | Ismael Morales | Fixed points, splittings and division rings | |
Thu | Jan 16 | 13:30 | Alessandro Sisto | Asymptotically CAT(0) metrics and applications | |
Thu | Jan 09 | 13:30 | Rob Kropholler | An explicit bound on the Dehn function of a subgroup of a hyperbolic group | |
Thu | Dec 05 | 13:30 | Peter Patzt | Unstable cohomology of \(\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z})\) and Hopf algebras | |
Thu | Nov 28 | 13:30 | Simon Machado | Approximate lattices: structure and beyond | |
Thu | Nov 21 | 13:30 | Harry Petyt | Obstructions to cubulation | |
Thu | Nov 14 | 13:30 | Mikhail Hlushchanka | Canonical decomposition of rational maps | |
Thu | Nov 07 | 13:30 | Sami Douba | Zariski closures of linear reflection groups | |
Thu | Oct 31 | 13:30 | Stefanie Zbinden | Morse directions in classical small cancellation groups | |
Thu | Oct 17 | 12:30 | Mireille Soergel | Dyer groups: Coxeter groups, right-angled Artin groups and more... | |
Thu | Oct 10 | 12:30 | Shaked Bader | Hyperbolic subgroups of type FP_2(Ring) | |
Thu | Oct 03 | 12:30 | Saul Schleimer | Solving the word problem in the mapping class group in quasi-linear time | |
Thu | Jul 04 | 13:05 | Valentina Disarlo | The model theory of the curve graph | |
Thu | Jun 20 | 15:05 | Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda | Free growth, free counting | |
Thu | Jun 20 | 13:05 | Ramón Flores | Characterizing graph properties via RAAGs | |
Thu | May 30 | 13:05 | David Hume | Coarse embeddings, and yet more ways to avoid them | |
Thu | May 23 | 13:05 | Henry Segerman | Avoiding inessential edges | |
Thu | May 09 | 13:05 | Rohini Ramadas | Thurston theory in complex dynamics: a tropical perspective | |
Thu | Apr 25 | 13:05 | Nikolai Prochorov | Thurston theory for critically fixed branched covering maps | |
Thu | Mar 14 | 14:05 | Davide Spriano | Uniquely geodesic groups | |
Thu | Mar 07 | 14:05 | Marco Linton | The coherence of one-relator groups | |
Thu | Feb 29 | 14:05 | Joeseph MacManus | Groups quasi-isometric to planar graphs | |
Thu | Feb 01 | 14:05 | Samuel Shepherd | One-ended halfspaces in group splittings | |
Thu | Jan 25 | 14:05 | Francesco Fournier-Facio | Infinite simple characteristic quotients | |
Thu | Jan 18 | 14:05 | Ian Leary | Residual finiteness of generalized Bestvina-Brady groups | |
Thu | Jan 11 | 14:05 | Richard Wade | Quasi-flats in the Aut free factor complex | |
Thu | Dec 07 | 14:05 | Sam Hughes | Centralisers and classifying spaces for $\mathrm{Out}(F_N)$ | |
Thu | Nov 30 | 14:05 | Cameron Gates Rudd | Stretch laminations and hyperbolic Dehn surgery | |
Thu | Nov 23 | 14:05 | Jeffrey Giansiracusa | Topology of the matroid Grassmannian | |
Thu | Nov 16 | 14:05 | Rob Kropholler | The landscape of Dehn functions | |
Thu | Nov 09 | 14:05 | Monika Kudlinska | Subgroup separability in 3-manifold and free-by-cyclic groups | |
Thu | Nov 02 | 14:05 | Adele Jackson | Algorithms for Seifert fibered spaces | |
Thu | Oct 19 | 13:05 | Clement Legrand | Reconfiguration of square-tiled surfaces | |
Thu | Oct 12 | 13:05 | Mark Pengitore | Residual finiteness growth functions of surface groups with respect to characteristic quotients | |
Thu | Oct 05 | 13:05 | Raphael Zentner | Rational homology ribbon cobordism is a partial order | |
Thu | May 25 | 13:05 | Michael Borinsky | The commutative graph complex and the amount of top-weight cohomology in the moduli space of curves | |
Thu | Apr 27 | 13:05 | Alan Logan | Dynamics and algorithms for endomorphisms of free groups | |
Thu | Mar 09 | 15:05 | Nansen Petrosyan | Hyperbolicity and $L$-infinity cohomology | |
Thu | Mar 09 | 14:05 | Elia Fioravanti | Coarse cubical rigidity | |
Thu | Mar 02 | 14:05 | Malavika Mukundan | Dynamical approximation of entire functions | |
Thu | Feb 23 | 14:05 | Saul Schleimer | From loom spaces to veering triangulations | |
Thu | Jan 26 | 14:05 | Davide Spriano | Combinatorial criteria for hyperbolicity | |
Thu | Dec 08 | 14:05 | Ric Wade | Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on groups | |
Thu | Dec 01 | 14:05 | Koji Fujiwara | Growth rates in a hyperbolic group | |
Thu | Nov 17 | 14:05 | Bradley Zykoski | A polytopal decomposition of strata of translation surfaces | |
Thu | Nov 03 | 14:05 | Becca Winarski | Polynomials, branched covers, and trees | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 13:05 | Daniel Berlyne | Braid groups of graphs | |
Thu | Oct 20 | 13:05 | Henry Bradford | Local permutation stability | |
Thu | Oct 13 | 13:05 | Claudio Llosa Isenrich | Finiteness properties, subgroups of hyperbolic groups, and complex hyperbolic lattices | |
Thu | Oct 06 | 13:05 | Grace Garden | Earthquakes on the once-punctured torus | |
Thu | Jun 30 | 14:05 | Gareth Wilkes | Residual properties of graphs of \(p\)-groups | |
Thu | Jun 23 | 14:05 | Lorenzo Ruffoni | Strict hypbolisation and special cubulation | |
Thu | Jun 16 | 14:05 | Naomi Andrew | Baumslag-Solitar groups, automorphisms and generalisations | |
Thu | May 26 | 14:05 | Jone Lopez de Gamiz | On finitely generated normal subgroups of right-angled Artin groups | |
Thu | May 19 | 14:05 | Susan Hermiller | Formal conjugacy growth for graph products | |
Thu | May 12 | 14:05 | Jean Pierre Mutanguha | Canonical forms for free group automorphisms | |
Thu | May 05 | 14:05 | Marco Barberis | Curve graphs: exhaustions by rigid sets and the co-Hopfian property | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 14:05 | Marco Linton | Hyperbolicity of certain one-relator groups | |
Thu | Mar 17 | 15:05 | Rylee Lyman | Folding-like techniques for CAT(0) cube complexes | |
Thu | Mar 10 | 15:05 | Sam Hughes | Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 15:05 | Armando Martino | On automorphisms of free groups and nearly canonical trees | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 15:05 | Luke Jeffreys | Non-planarity of SL(2,Z)-orbits of origamis in genus two | |
Thu | Feb 17 | 15:05 | Annette Karrer | Connected components of Morse boundaries of graphs of groups | |
Thu | Feb 10 | 15:05 | Macarena Arenas | A cubical Rips construction | |
Thu | Jan 27 | 15:05 | Davide Spriano | Hyperbolic spaces for $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ groups | |
Thu | Jan 20 | 15:05 | Vladimir Vankov | Uncountably many quasi-isometric torsion-free groups | |
Thu | Jan 13 | 15:05 | Kim Ruane | Torsion-free groups acting geometrically on the product of two trees | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 15:05 | Arnaud de Mesmay | Short canonical decompositions of non-orientable surfaces | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 15:05 | Emily Stark | Graphically discrete groups and rigidity | |
Thu | Nov 25 | 15:05 | Giles Gardam | The Kaplansky conjectures | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 15:05 | Sam Kim | Optimal regularity of mapping class group actions on the circle | |
Thu | Nov 11 | 15:05 | Benjamin Ward | Massey Products for Graph Homology. | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 15:05 | Rachel Skipper | Braiding groups of homeomorphisms of Cantor sets | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 14:05 | Camille Horbez | Orbit equivalence rigidity of irreducible actions of right-angled Artin groups | |
Thu | Oct 14 | 14:05 | Ian Leary | Graphical small cancellation and groups of type \(\mathrm{FP}\) | |
Thu | Oct 07 | 14:05 | Robert Kropholler | Coarse embeddings and homological filling functions | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 15:30 | Corey Bregman | Outer space for right-angled Artin groups | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 15:00 | Ruth Charney | Outer space for right-angled Artin groups | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 15:30 | Ying Hu | Euler class of taut foliations on Q-homology spheres and Dehn fillings | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 15:00 | Tara Brendle | The mapping class group of connect sums of \(S^2 \times S^1\) | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 15:30 | Ivan Dynnikov | An algorithm to compare Legendrian knots | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 15:00 | Chenxi Wu | Bounds on asymptotic translation length on free factor and free splitting complexes | |
Thu | Oct 29 | 15:00 | Mark Bell | Computations in big mapping class groups | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 14:30 | Sam Taylor | The veering polynomial, the flow graph, and the Thurston norm | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 14:00 | Yair Minsky | Veering triangulations and their polynomials | |
Thu | Oct 15 | 14:30 | Rudradip Biswas | Generation of unbounded derived categories of modules over groups in Kropholler's hierarchy | |
Thu | Oct 15 | 14:00 | Esmee te Winkel | Knots in the curve graph | |
Thu | Oct 08 | 14:30 | David Gabai | The fully marked surface theorem | |
Thu | Oct 08 | 14:00 | Mehdi Yazdi | The complexity of determining knot genus in a fixed three-manifold | |
Tue | Aug 25 | 15:30 | Dawid Kielak | Poincaré duality groups | |
Tue | Aug 18 | 15:30 | Jing Tao | The Nielsen-Thurston classification, revisited | |
Tue | Aug 18 | 15:00 | Kasia Jankiewicz | Generalized Tits conjecture for Artin groups | |
Tue | Aug 11 | 15:00 | Andras Stipsicz | Connected Floer homology of covering involutions | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 15:30 | Sarah Dean Rasmussen | Taut foliations from left orders, in Heegaard genus two | |
Tue | Aug 04 | 15:00 | Marissa Loving | Covers and curves | |
Tue | Jul 28 | 15:30 | Scott Taylor | Equivariant Heegaard genus of reducible three-manifolds | |
Tue | Jul 28 | 15:00 | Rich Schwartz | The spheres of Sol | |
Tue | Jul 21 | 15:00 | Michael Landry | Faces of the Thurston norm ball up to isotopy | |
Tue | Jun 23 | 15:30 | William Worden | Dehn filling and knot complements that do not irregularly cover | |
Tue | Jun 23 | 15:00 | Caroline Series | Geometry in non-discrete groups of hyperbolic isometries: Primitive stability and the Bowditch Q-conditions are equivalent. | |
Tue | Jun 16 | 15:30 | Yulan Qing | The sub-linearly Morse boundary | |
Tue | Jun 16 | 15:00 | Corey Bregman | Isotopy and equivalence of knots in three-manifolds | |
Tue | Jun 09 | 15:30 | Eric Samperson | How helpful is hyperbolic geometry? | |
Tue | Jun 09 | 15:00 | Kathryn Mann | Large-scale geometry of big mapping class groups | |
Tue | Jun 02 | 15:30 | Rylee Lyman | Outer automorphisms of free Coxeter groups | |
Tue | Jun 02 | 15:00 | Daniel Woodhouse | Quasi-isometric rigidity of graphs of free groups with cyclic edge groups | |
Tue | May 26 | 15:30 | Talia Fernos | Boundaries and CAT(0) cube complexes | |
Tue | May 26 | 15:00 | Daniel Allcock | Big mapping class groups fail the Tits alternative | |
Tue | May 19 | 15:30 | Baris Coskunuzer | Minimal surfaces in hyperbolic three-manifolds | |
Tue | May 19 | 15:00 | Henry Segerman | From veering triangulations to Cannon-Thurston maps | |
Tue | May 12 | 15:30 | Martin Scharlemann | A strong Haken's theorem | |
Tue | May 12 | 15:00 | Neil Hoffman | High crossing knot complements with few tetrahedra | |
Tue | May 05 | 15:30 | Priyam Patel | Isometry groups of infinite-genus hyperbolic surfaces | |
Tue | May 05 | 15:00 | Nathan Dunfield | Counting incompressible surfaces in three-manifolds | |
Tue | Apr 28 | 15:30 | Ian Agol | Virtually algebraically fibered congruence subgroups | |
Tue | Apr 28 | 15:00 | Genevieve Walsh | Incoherence of free-by-free and surface-by-free groups | |