Modular representations and geometry

algebraic geometry representation theory

Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche / Université Paris Cité

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Friday 13:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Eric Vasserot
Curator: Bernhard Keller*
*contact for this listing

For the Zoom link, please email the curator. Links to recordings of the lectures will be posted in the section "Invités" of the CATORE research network.

Representations of reductive algebraic groups and their Lie algebras over fields of positive characteristic is a central topic in representation theory. Its recent active progress has uncovered or enhanced strong connections to geometry of perverse sheaves, theory of $D$-modules and derived algebraic geometry and (local) geometric Langlands duality. After a review of foundations of the subject the course will proceed to the recent and current developments. The course will be accessible to doctoral students, while the material would be relevant to mathematicians of any level working in this and adjacent areas.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 1713:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 10
FriDec 1013:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 9
FriDec 0313:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 8
FriNov 1913:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 7
FriNov 1213:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 6
FriOct 2912:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 5
FriOct 2212:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 4
FriOct 1512:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 3
FriOct 0812:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 2
FriOct 0112:00Roman BezrukavnikovModular representations and geometry, 1
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