New York City Category Theory Seminar

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Computer science Mathematics

The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 00:00-01:30 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Noson Yanofsky*
*contact for this listing

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IN-PERSON INFORMATION: 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street) map (Diagonally across from the Empire State Building) New York, NY 10016-4309 Room 6496 The videos of the lectures will be put up on YouTube a few hours after the lecture.

ZOOM INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 823 5906 9037 Passcode: NYCCTS

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 2000:00Jacob SzelkoAn Introduction to Compositional Public Health.
ThuFeb 2700:00Thiago AlexandreTBA
ThuMar 0600:00Grigorios GiotopoulosThickened smooth sets as a natural setting for Lagrangian field theory.
WedMar 1223:00Jonathon FunkToposes and Rings
WedApr 0923:00Emilio MinichielloTBA
WedApr 2323:00Andrei RodinThe concept of mathematical structure according to Voevodsky.
WedApr 2323:00Andrei RodinThe concept of mathematical structure according to Voevodsky.
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 0600:00Raymond PuzioGentle Introduction to Synthetic Differential Geometry Part 1
ThuDec 1200:00Matthew CushmanRecollements: gluing and fracture for categories.
ThuDec 0500:00Charlotte AtenInvariants of structures.
WedNov 2719:00Tim HosgoodLoose simplicial objects.
ThuNov 2100:00Arnon AvronWhat is the Structure of the Natural numbers?
ThuNov 1400:00Emilio MinichielloDecision Problems on Graphs with Sheaves. IN PERSON
ThuNov 0700:00David Jaz MyersThe Para and Kleisli constructions as wreath products.
WedOct 3018:00Bruno GavranovićCategorical Deep Learning: An Algebraic Theory of Architectures---NOTE SPECIAL TIME.
WedOct 0923:00Sam McCrossonExodromy.
WedSep 2523:00Noah ChreinA formal category theory for oo-T-multicategories.
WedSep 1823:00Jake Araujo-SimonCategorifying the Volterra series: towards a compositional theory of nonlinear signal processing.
WedMay 2923:00Samuel MimramTBA
WedMay 2223:00Emilio MinichielloPresenting Profunctors
WedMay 1523:00Raymond PuzioUniqueness of Classical Retrodiction
WedMay 0823:00Juan OrendainCanonical squares in fully faithful and absolutely dense equipments.
ThuNov 3000:00Charlotte AtenA categorical semantics for neural networks
ThuNov 2300:00Pedro SotaCANCELLED
ThuNov 0900:00Larry MossOn Kripke, Vietoris, and Hausdorff Polynomial Functors.
WedOct 2523:00Emilio MinichielloA Mathematical Model of Package Management Systems.
WedOct 1823:00Michael ShulmanThe derivator of setoids
WedOct 1123:00Thiago AlexandreInternal homotopy theories
WedSep 2723:00Tomáš GondaA Framework for Universality in Physics, Computer Science, and Beyond.
WedMay 1723:00Arthur ParzygnatInferring the past and using category theory to define retrodiction.
WedApr 2623:00Dusko PavlovicProgram-closed categories.
WedApr 1923:00Walter TholenWhat does “smallness” mean in categories of topological spaces?
WedMar 2923:00Jim OttoP Time, A Bounded Numeric Arrow Category, and Entailments.
WedMar 1523:00Jens HemelaerEILC toposes.
ThuFeb 2300:00Joshua SussanNon-semisimple Hermitian TQFTs.
ThuFeb 1600:00Mee Seong ImAutomata and topological theories.
ThuFeb 0900:00Mikhail KhovanovUniversal construction and its applications.
ThuFeb 0200:00Igor BakovićEnhanced 2-adjunctions.
ThuDec 0800:00Robert PareThe horizontal/vertical synergy of double categories
ThuNov 2400:00Saeed SalehiSelf-Reference and Diagonalization: their difference and a short history.
ThuNov 1000:00Andrei RodinKolmogorov's Calculus of Problems and Homotopy Type theory
WedNov 0223:00Astra KolomatskaiaThe Objective Metatheory of Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
WedOct 2623:00Ross StreetThe core groupoid can suffice
WedOct 1923:00David EllermanTo Interpret Quantum Mechanics:``Follow the Math'': The math of QM as the linearization of the math of partitions
WedSep 2823:00James TorreDiagonalization, and the Limits of Limitative Theorems
WedSep 1423:00Prakash PanangadenQuantitative Equational Logic
WedSep 0723:00Sergei BurkinSegal conditions and twisted arrow categories of operads
WedMay 0423:00Gershom BazermanClasses of Closed Monoidal Functors which Admit Infinite Traversals.
WedApr 2723:00Alex SorokinThe defect of a profunctor.
WedApr 1323:00Alex MartsinkovskyA Reflector in Search of a Category.
WedApr 0623:00Jason ParkerEnriched structure-semantics adjunctions and monad-theory equivalences for subcategories of arities.
WedMar 3023:00Morgan RogersToposes of Topological Monoid Actions.
WedMar 2323:00Joseph DimosIntroduction to Fusion Categories and Some Applications.
WedMar 1623:00Jin-Cheng GuuTopological Quantum Field Theories from Monoidal Categories
ThuFeb 2400:00David RobertsDo you have what it takes to use the diagonal argument?
ThuFeb 1700:00Emilio MinichielloCategory Theory ∩ Differential Geometry.
ThuFeb 0300:00Ralph WojtowiczOn Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence and Categorical Logic.
ThuDec 2300:00Todd TrimbleCategorifying negatives: roadblocks and detours.
ThuDec 1600:00Samantha JarvisLanguage as an Enriched Category.
ThuDec 0900:00Jens HemelaerTBA
ThuDec 0200:00Robert GerochAn Alien's Perspective on Mathematics (and Physics).
ThuNov 1800:00Marco SchorlemmerA Uniform Model of Computational Conceptual Blending
WedNov 0323:00Dusko PavlovicGeometry of computation and string-diagram programming in monoidal computer
WedOct 2023:00Dan ShieblerOut of Sample Generalization with Kan Extensions
WedOct 0623:00Gemma De las CuevasFrom simplicity to universality and undecidability
WedMay 0523:00Juan OrendainHow long does it take to frame a bicategory?
WedApr 1423:00Ross StreetAbsolute colimits for differential graded categories.
WedMar 2423:00Tobias FritzCategorical Probability and the de Finetti Theorem
WedMar 1723:00Tobias FritzCategorical Probability and the de Finetti Theorem
ThuMar 0400:00Joshua SussanCategorification and quantum topology.
ThuFeb 1800:00Richard BluteFiniteness Spaces, Generalized Polynomial Rings and Topological Groupoids.
ThuFeb 1100:00Peter HinesShuffling cards as an operad.
ThuFeb 0400:00Jason ParkerIsotropy Groups of Quasi-Equational Theories.
WedDec 1618:00Arthur ParzygnatA functorial characterization of classical and quantum entropies.
ThuDec 1000:00Dan ShieblerFunctorial Manifold Learning and Overlapping Clustering.
ThuDec 0300:00Andrew WinklerFunctors as homomorphisms of quivered algebras.
ThuNov 1900:00Enrico GhiorziInternal enriched categories.
ThuNov 1200:00Noah ChreinYoneda ontologies.
ThuNov 0500:00Luis ScoccolaLocally persistent categories and approximate homotopy theory.
WedOct 2823:00Larry MossCoalgebra in Continuous Mathematics.
WedOct 2123:00Andrei V. RodinVladimir Voevodsky’s Unachieved Project
WedOct 1422:00Jonathon FunkPseudogroup Torsors.
WedSep 3023:00David EllermanThe Logical Theory of Canonical Maps: The Elements & Distinctions Analysis of the Morphisms, Duality, Canonicity, and Universal Constructions in Sets.
WedSep 1623:00Rick JardinePosets, metric spaces, and topological data analysis.
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