BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar

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mathematical physics dynamical systems quantum algebra representation theory symplectic geometry

Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

Audience: General audience
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Niсolai Reshetikhin, Andrii Liashyk, Ivan Sechin, Andrey Tsiganov*
*contact for this listing

The aim is to bring together experts in integrable systems and related areas of theoretical and mathematical physics and mathematics. There will be research presentations and overview talks.

Audience: Graduate students and researchers interested in integrable systems and related mathematical structures, such as symplectic and Poisson geometry and representation theory.

The zoom link will be distributed by mail, so please join the mailing list if you are interested in attending the seminar.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueMar 1108:00Arthur HutsalyukExact Spin Correlators of Integrable Quantum Circuits from Algebraic Geometry
TueMar 1808:00Jue HouSpin-s Q-systems: Twist and Open Boundaries
TueMar 2508:00Jirui GuoTBA
TueApr 0108:00Frank NijhoffTBA
TueApr 0808:00Oleg ChalykhTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 2508:00Maria MatushkoA trigonometric solution of the associative Yang-Baxter equation related to the queer Lie superalgebra
TueFeb 1808:00Paul Zinn-JustinGeneric pipe dreams, lower-upper varieties, and Schwartz–MacPherson classes
TueDec 1708:00Xin ZhangChiral coordinate Bethe ansatz for anisotropic spin chains
TueDec 1008:00Kun ZhangYang-Baxter gates and integrable circuit
TueDec 0308:00Mizuki YamaguchiClassification of integrability and non-integrability for some quantum spin chains
TueNov 2608:00Zhuoke YangChromatic polynomial and the $\mathfrak{so}$ weight system
TueNov 1908:00Kohei MotegiAn odd two-dimensional and a three-dimensional realization of Schur functions
TueNov 1208:00Ilia GaiurHigher Bessel Product Formulas
TueNov 0508:00Pavlo GavrylenkoZeros of isomonodromic tau functions, spectral problems, and holomorphic anomaly
TueOct 2908:00Filipp UvarovDeligne's category, monodromy-free pseudo-differential operators and Gaudin model for the Lie superalgebra $gl(m|n)$.
TueOct 2208:00Alexander PovolotskyExact densities of clusters in critical percolation and of loops in O(1) dense loop model on a cylinder of finite circumference.
TueOct 1508:00Anton PribytokSuperdeformed CP $\sigma$-models, RG-flow and Conformal limits
TueOct 0808:00Sergey KhoroshkinRuijsenaars spectral transform
TueJun 1108:00Laszlo FeherBi-Hamiltonian structures of integrable many-body models from Poisson reduction
TueJun 0408:00Ivan SechinRuijsenaars duality for B, C, D Toda chains
TueMay 2109:20Alexander VeselovDelay Painleve-I equation and Masur-Veech volumes
TueMay 2108:00Masashi HamanakaAnti-Self-Dual Yang-Mills Equations and a Unification of Integrable Systems
TueMay 0708:00Wen-Li YangOff-diagonal Bethe ansatz approach to quantum integrable models
TueApr 2308:00Xuantong QuSpecial functions over finite Chevalley groups
TueApr 1609:20Oleg ChalykhElliptic complex reflection groups and Seiberg–Witten integrable systems
TueApr 1608:00Glutsyuk AlexeyModel of Josephson junction, dynamical systems on $\mathbb T^2$, isomonodromic deformations and Painleve 3 equations
FriApr 1213:30Limeng XiaGIM algebras and their modules
TueApr 0908:00Victor MishnyakovSuperintegrability of matrix models and BPS algebras
TueApr 0208:00Luyao WangW-representation for multi-character partition function
TueMar 2608:00Chenglang YangA connection between the topological vertex and multi-component KP hierarchy
TueMar 1908:00Shuai GuoBirkhoff Factorization, Givental’s Quantization, and BCOV’s Feynman Rule
TueMar 1208:00Sergey OblezinOn matrix element representation of the GKZ hypergeometric functions
TueMar 0508:00Sergei LandoInducing graph invariants from the universal gl-weight system
TueFeb 2708:00Tao GuiAsymptotic Log-concavity of Dominant Lower Bruhat Intervals via the Brunn--Minkowski Inequality
FriDec 2205:30Chenwei RuanA uniform approach to the Damiani, Beck, and alternating PBW bases for the positive part of $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2)$
TueDec 1905:30Vladimir RubtsovKontsevich and Buchstaber polynomials, multiplication kernels and Calabi–Yau Differential operators III
TueDec 1208:00Vladimir RubtsovKontsevich and Buchstaber polynomials, multiplication kernels and Calabi–Yau Differential operators II
TueDec 0508:00Alexandr BuryakQuantum intersection numbers and the Gromov-Witten invariants of the Riemann sphere.
TueNov 2808:00Vladimir RubtsovKontsevich and Buchstaber polynomials, multiplication kernels and Calabi–Yau Differential operators
MonNov 2706:30Ruijie XULattice walk as an exactly solvable model
MonNov 2705:30Boris ShapiroZonotopal algebras of graphs and their generalizations
SunNov 2607:00Boris FeiginTolya and fermionic formulas
SunNov 2606:00Zhuoke YangNew approaches to Lie algebra weight systems
SunNov 2605:00Oleksiy ZhedanovCMV-bispectrality
SunNov 2602:30Evgeny SmirnovLascoux polynomials and Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes
SunNov 2601:30Nicolai ReshetikhinHybrid integrable systems
TueNov 2108:00Lewis Napper(Higher) Monge—Ampere Geometry of the Navier—Stokes Equations
TueNov 1408:00Nikita BelousovBaxter Q-operators in Ruijsenaars hyperbolic system
MonNov 1305:30Bart VlaarBaxter Q-operators for open spin chains
TueNov 0708:00Alexey BasalaevIntegrable systems of A,D and B-type Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds
MonNov 0605:30Takashi TakebeDispersionless integrable hierarchies and Loewner type equations
TueOct 3108:00Georgy SharyginArgument shift method for the universal enveloping algebras
ThuOct 2606:30Alexander ZheglovCommuting scalar partial differential (and not only) operators and moduli spaces of torsion-free sheaves.
ThuOct 2605:30Denis OsipovLocal analog of the Deligne-Riemann-Roch isomorphism for line bundles on a family of curves.
ThuOct 2603:00Xiaomeng XuIntegrability in Stokes phenomenon.
ThuOct 2602:00Oleksiy ZhedanovHeun operators from different points of view: quantum and classical
TueOct 2408:00Andrea AppelThe R-matrix of the affine Yangian
MonOct 2305:30Hrachya BabujianThe form factor program: asymptotic factorization of n-particle SU(N) form factors
TueOct 1708:00Olga PochinkaAndronov School of Nonlinear Oscillations
MonOct 1605:30Ivan KostovLoop-gas formulation of two-dimensional integrable models
TueOct 1008:00Alexey KazakovOn robust chaos
TueSep 2608:00Nikita SafonkinYangian-type algebras and double Poisson brackets.
TueSep 1908:00Valeriy G. BardakovYang-Baxter equation, relative Rota-Baxter operators and skew braces
FriJun 1609:00Yasuyuki Kawahigashi$\alpha$-induction, tensor categories and operator algebras
FriJun 0909:00Sergey SergeevSpectral equations for a class of entire $Q$-operators
FriJun 0209:00Ian RoulstoneApplications of symplectic geometry in fluid dynamics
FriMay 2609:00Yunfeng JiangSpin-s rational Q-system
FriMay 1909:00Piergiulio TempestaGeneralized Nijenhuis geometry and applications to Hamiltonian integrable systems
FriMay 1209:00Jules LamersBethe ansatz inside Calogero--Sutherland models
FriMay 0509:00Maria MatushkoAnisotropic spin generalization of elliptic Ruijsenaars-Macdonald operators and related integrable long-range spin chains
FriApr 2809:00Roberto D'OnofrioSingularities in geophysical fluid dynamics through Monge-Ampère geometry
FriApr 2109:00Youjin ZhangLinear reciprocal transformations of bihamiltonian integrable hierarchies
FriApr 1409:00Vladimir RubtsovSymplectic and Contact Geometry of Monge– Ampère equation: Introduction and application
FriApr 0709:00Ievgen MakedonskyiDuality theorems for current algebras
FriMar 3109:00Yunhe ShengRota-Baxter groups, post-groups and related structures
FriMar 2409:00Huijun FanOn the Geometry of Landau-Ginzburg Model
FriMar 1709:00Grigori OlshanskiThe centralizer construction and Yangian-type algebras
FriMar 1009:00Leonid RybnikovBethe subalgebras and Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals
FriMar 0309:00Anton DzhamayGeometry of Discrete Integrable Systems: QRT Maps and Discrete Painlevé Equations
FriFeb 2409:00Irina BobrovaDifferent approaches for constructing non-abelian Painlevé equations
FriFeb 1709:00Masatoshi NoumiElliptic van Diejen difference operators and elliptic hypergeometric integrals of Selberg type
FriFeb 1009:00Pavel NikitinSemifinite harmonic functions on Bratteli diagrams
FriFeb 0309:00Yuancheng XieOn the full Kostant-Toda lattice and the flag varieties
FriJan 2709:00Yuri YakubovichRandom growth of Young diagrams with uniform marginals
FriJan 2009:00Dmitry TalalaevThe full Toda system, QR decomposition and geometry of the flag varieties
FriJan 1309:00Anton NazarovSkew Howe duality, limit shapes of Young diagrams and universal fluctuations
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